Voter Registration Application Page 24

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State Instructions
8. Race or Ethnic Group. Leave
Article II, §2, Constitution of
• live in West Virginia at the above
Virginia (1971).
7. Choice of Party. You do not
9. Signature. To register in
• be 18 years old, or to vote in
have to register with a party if you
Washington you must:
the primary be 17 years old and
want to take part in that party’s
• be a citizen of the United States
turning 18 before the general
primary election, caucus, or
• be a legal resident of Washington
State, your county and precinct for
• not be under conviction,
8. Race or Ethnic Group. Leave
30 days immediately preceding the
probation, or parole for a felony,
election in which you want to vote
treason or election bribery
9. Signature. To register in
• be at least 18 years old by election
• not have been judged “mentally
Virginia you must:
incompetent” in a court of
• be a citizen of the United States
• not be convicted of infamous
competent jurisdiction
• be a resident of Virginia and of
crime, unless restored to civil
Mailing address:
the precinct in which you want to
Secretary of State
• be 18 years old by the next May
Mailing address:
Building 1, Suite 157‑K
or November general election
Secretary of State
1900 Kanawha Blvd. East
• not have been convicted of a
Elections Division
Charleston, WV 25305‑0770
felony, or have had your civil rights
P.O. Box 40229
Olympia, WA 98504‑0229
• not currently be declared mentally
incompetent by a court of law
West Virginia
Updated: 08-05-2013
Mailing address:
Registration Deadline —
Updated: 09-12-2006
Virginia State Board of Elections
Postmarked at least twenty days
1100 Bank Street, 1st floor
Registration Deadline — 21 days
before the election; or completed
Richmond, VA 23219
before the election.
in the office of the town, village, or
city clerk up to 5:00 pm or the close
6. ID Number. Enter your driver's
of business whichever is later, on
license number. If you do not have
the Friday before the election; or
a driver’s license number, enter the
completed at the polling place on
Updated: 9-24-2012
last four numbers of your social
Election Day
Registration Deadline — 29 days
security number. If you do not
before the election (or delivered
have a driver's license number
6. ID Number. Provide your
in‑person to the local voter
or a social security number, an
driver license or DOT‑issued ID
registration office until 8 days
identification number will be
card number. If you do not have a
before the election).
assigned to you.
current and valid DOT‑issued driver
7. Choice of Party. You must register
license or ID card, provide the last 4
6. ID Number. You must provide
with a party if you want to take part
digits of your social security number
7. Choice of Party. Not required.
your Washington driver’s license or
in that party’s primary election,
8. Race or Ethnic Group. Not
state ID card number. If you do not
caucus, or convention (unless you
have a Washington driver's license,
request the ballot of a party which
or state ID card, you must provide
allows independents to vote)
9. Signature. To register in
8. Race or Ethnic Group. Leave
the last four digits of your Social
Wisconsin you must:
Security Number. Failure to provide
• be a citizen of the United States
9. Signature. To register in West
this information may prevent your
• be a resident of Wisconsin and
registration from being processed.
Virginia you must:
have resided at the registration
7. Choice of Party. You are not
• be a citizen of the United States
address for at least 28 days.
required to designate your party
• be 18 years old
affiliation to register in Washington.


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