Voter Registration Application Page 20

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State Instructions
Mailing address:
North Carolina
North Dakota
Secretary of State of Ohio
Elections Division
Updated: 03-01-2006
Updated: 03-01-2006
180 E. Broad Street — 15th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215
Registration Deadline —
North Dakota does not have voter
Postmarked 25 days before
the election or received in the
elections office or designated voter
registration agency site by 5:00 p.m.
Updated: 10-29-2003
25 days before the election.
Updated: 03-01-2006
Registration Deadline — 25 days
before the election.
6. ID Number. Provide your North
Registration Deadline — 30 days
Carolina driver’s license number,
before the election.
6. ID Number. The last four digits
or North Carolina Department
of your social security number
of Motor Vehicles ID number. If
6. ID Number. Your social security
are required. (Oklahoma Title 26,
you do not have a driver's license,
number is requested. Providing
Section 4‑112) In addition, your
then list the last four digits of your
this number is voluntary. This
Oklahoma driver’s license number
social security number.
information allows the Board of
is requested.
7. Choice of Party. You must
Elections to verify your registration if
7. Choice of Party. You must
register with a party to vote in that
necessary (O.R.C. 3503.14). [Federal
register with a party if you want to
party’s primary unless that party
law requires that you provide your
take part in that party’s primary
allows unaffiliated voters to vote
driver’s license number to register
election, caucus, or convention.
in its primary. If you indicate a
to vote. If you do not have a driver’s
8. Race or Ethnic Group. Leave
political party that is not a qualified
license then you will have to provide
party, or indicate no party, you will
at least the last four digits of your
9. Signature. To register in
be listed as “Unaffiliated”.
social security number. If you don’t
8. Race or Ethnic Group. You are
Oklahoma you must:
have either number you will have to
required to fill in this box. However,
• be a citizen of the United States
write “NONE” on the form and the
and a resident of the State of
your application will not be rejected
State will assign you a number.]
if you fail to do so. See the list of
7. Choice of Party. You do not
choices under the Application
• be 18 years old on or before the
register with a party if you want to
Instructions for Box 8 (on page 2).
date of the next election
take part in that party’s primary
9. Signature. To register in North
• have not been convicted of a
election. Party affiliation is established
Carolina you must:
felony, for which a period of time
by voting at a primary election.
• be a citizen of the United States
equal to the original sentence has
8. Race or Ethnic Group. Leave
• be a resident of North Carolina
not expired, or for which you have
and the county in which you live for
not been pardoned
9. Signature. To register in Ohio
at least 30 days prior to the election
• not now be under judgment as an
you must:
• be 18 years of age by the day of
incapacitated person, or a partially
• be a citizen of the United States
the next general election
incapacitated person prohibited
• be a resident of Ohio
• have your rights of citizenship
from registering to vote
• be 18 years old on or before
restored if you have been convicted
election day. If you will be 18 on or
of a felony
Mailing address:
before the day of the general election,
• not be registered or vote in any
Oklahoma State Election Board
you may vote in the primary election
other county or state
Box 528800
for candidates only.
Oklahoma City, OK 73152‑8800
• not be convicted of a felony and
Mailing address:
currently incarcerated
State Board of Elections
• not be found incompetent by a
P.O. Box 27255
court for purposes of voting
Raleigh, NC 27611‑7255


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