Voter Registration Application Page 18

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Complete Voter Registration Application with your personal data - all interactive fields are highlighted in places where you should type, access drop-down lists or select multiple-choice options.

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State Instructions
• be at least 18 years of age or will
a Nonpartisan Ballot for the
New Hampshire
be 18 years of age on or before the
Primary Election.
8. Race or Ethnic Group. Leave
first Tuesday after the first Monday
Updated: 03-01-2006
of November
9. Signature. To register in Nevada
• not have been convicted of a
Registration Deadline — New
felony, or if convicted, have had
you must:
Hampshire town and city clerks
your civil rights restored
• be a citizen of the United States
will accept this application only as
• not have been officially found to
• have attained the age of 18 years
a request for their own absentee
be mentally incompetent
on the date of the next election
voter mail‑in registration form,
• have continuously resided in the
which must be received by your
Mailing address:
State of Nevada, in your county, at
city or town clerk by 10 days before
Nebraska Secretary of State
least 30 days and in your precinct
the election.
Suite 2300, State Capitol Bldg.
at least 10 days before the next
Lincoln, NE 68509‑4608
New Hampshire town and city clerks
• have your civil rights restored if
will accept this application only as a
you were convicted of a felony
request for their own absentee voter
• not be determined by a court of
mail‑in registration form. You need
law to be mentally incompetent
Updated: 05-07-2010
to fill in only Box 1 and Box 2 or 3.
• claim no other place as your legal
Registration Deadline — The
The application should be mailed
deadline for mail‑in registration
to your town or city clerk at your
Mailing address:
is the fifth Saturday before any
zip code. These addresses are
Secretary of State
primary or general election.
listed on the Secretary of State
Elections Division
In person registration remains
web site at
101 North Carson Street
available until 9:00 p.m. on the
Suite 3
third Tuesday preceding any
Carson City, NV 89701‑4786
primary or general election. You
It should be mailed in plenty of
may register to vote in person only
time for your town or city clerk to
Applications may be returned to
by appearing at the office of the
mail you their own form and for
the Secretary of State’s office at
County Clerk/Registrar of Voters.
you to return that form to them by
the address above, but to avoid
10 days before the election.
possible delays, you are advised
6. ID Number. You must supply a
to return your completed voter
Nevada’s Driver’s License Number
New Jersey
registration applications directly to
or Nevada ID Card Number if you
your local county election official.
have been issued one. If you do not
Updated: 03-28-2008
have a Driver’s License Number
Local county addresses:
or Nevada ID Card Number, you
Registration Deadline — 21 days
To meet registration deadlines,
must supply the last four digits of
before the election.
especially during the two weeks
your Social Security Number. If
before the close of the mail‑in
you do not have a Social Security
6. ID Number. The last four digits
registration deadline, return
Number, please contact your
of your Social Security number OR
completed applications to
County Clerk/Registrar of Voters
your New Jersey Driver's License
your respective County Clerk/
to be assigned a unique identifier.
number is required for voter
Registrar of Voters. A complete
7. Choice of Party. You must
registration. If you do not possess
list of County Clerk/Registrar of
register with a party if you
either of these identifications,
Voters and registration deadlines
want to take part in that party’s
please write "NONE" on the form.
is available on Nevada’s website:
primary election, caucus, or
The State will assign a number that
convention. If you register with
will serve to identify you for voter
a minor political party, or as a
registration purposes.
Nonpartisan you will receive


00 votes

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