Voter Registration Application Page 17

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Complete Voter Registration Application with your personal data - all interactive fields are highlighted in places where you should type, access drop-down lists or select multiple-choice options.

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State Instructions
8. Race or Ethnic Group. Leave
9. Signature. To register in
Note: State law changed by federal
court order in 1998 and by state
Montana you must:
legislation in 2000. We now accept
9. Signature. To vote in Missouri
• be a citizen of the United States
the form as registration for voting
you must:
• be at least 18 years old on or
for all state and federal offices.
• be a citizen of the United States
before the election
• be a resident of Missouri
• be a resident of Montana and of
Mailing address:
• be at least 17‑1/2 years of age
the county in which you want to
Secretary of State
(you must be 18 to vote)
vote for at least 30 days before the
P.O. Box 136
• not be on probation or parole
next election
Jackson, MS 39205‑0136
after conviction of a felony, until
• not be in a penal institution for a
finally discharged from such
felony conviction
Local county addresses:
probation or parole
• not currently be determined by a
You also may return completed
• not be convicted of a felony or
court to be of unsound mind
applications to the county circuit
misdemeanor connected with the
• meet these qualifications by the
clerk/registrar where you reside.
right of suffrage
next election day if you do not
A complete list of county circuit
• not be adjudged incapacitated by
currently meet them
clerk/registrars is available on
any court of law
Mailing address:
Mississippi’s website at
• not be confined under a sentence
of imprisonment
Secretary of State’s Office
P.O. Box 202801
Mailing address:
State Capitol
Secretary of State
Helena, MT 59620‑2801
P.O. Box 1767
Updated: 09-12-2006
Jefferson City, MO 65102‑1767
Registration Deadline — 28 days
before the election.
Updated: 03-01-2006
6. ID Number. Your completed
Registration Deadline — The
Updated: 03-01-2006
voter registration form must
third Friday before the election
contain your state issued driver's
Registration Deadline — 30 days
(or delivered by 6 p.m. on the
license number. Your completed
before the election.
second Friday before the election).
voter registration form must
6. ID Number. You must provide
6. ID Number. You must provide
also include the last four digits
of your social security number.
your Montana driver's license
your Nebraska driver's license
(Section 115.155, RSMo). If you
number. If you do not have a
number. If you do not have a
do not have a driver's license or
Montana driver's license number
Nebraska driver's license number
a social security number, please
then you must list the LAST FOUR
then you must list the last four
write "NONE" on the form. A
digits of your social security
unique identifying number will
7. Choice of Party. You must
be assigned by the State. Any
have neither a driver's license, nor
electronic media, printouts or
a social security number, please
register with a party if you want to
mailing labels provided under this
write “NONE” on the form. The
take part in that party’s primary
section shall not include telephone
state of Montana will assign to you
election, caucus, or convention.
8. Race or Ethnic Group. Leave
numbers and social security
a unique identifying number.
numbers of voters. (Section
7. Choice of Party. Montana does
9. Signature. To register in
115.157, RSMo).
not require party registration to
7. Choice of Party. You do not have
participate in any election.
Nebraska you must:
to register with a party if you want
8. Race or Ethnic Group. Leave
• be a citizen of the United States
to take part in that party’s primary
• be a resident of Nebraska
election, caucus, or convention.


00 votes

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