Voter Registration Application Page 14

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State Instructions
Mailing address:
9. Signature. To register in
Secretary of State
Louisiana you must:
1st Floor, Memorial Hall
• be a citizen of the United States
Updated: 08-14-2012
120 SW 10th Ave.
• be a resident of Louisiana
Topeka, KS 66612‑1594
(Residence address must be address
Registration Deadline — 30 days
where you claim homestead
before the election.
exemption, if any, except for a
resident in a nursing home or
6. ID Number. You must provide
veteran’s home who may select
Updated: 03-01-2006
your Louisiana driver’s license
to use the address of the nursing
number or Louisiana special
home or veterans’ home or the
Registration Deadline — 29 days
identification card number, if
home where he has a homestead
before the election.
issued. If not issued, you must
exemption. A college student may
provide at least the last four digits
elect to use his home address or his
6. ID Number. Your full social
of your social security number,
address while away at school.)
security number is required. It is
if issued. The full social security
• be at least 17 years old, and be 18
used for administrative purposes
number may be provided on a
years old prior to the next election
only and is not released to the
voluntary basis. If the applicant
to vote
public (KRS 116.155). No person
has neither a Louisiana driver’s
• not currently be under an order
shall be denied the right to register
license, a Louisiana special
of imprisonment for conviction of
because of failure to include social
identification card, or a social
a felony
security number.
security number, the applicant
• not currently be under a
7. Choice of Party. You must
shall attach one of the following
judgment of interdiction for
register with a party if you want to
items to his application: (a) a
mental incompetence
take part in that party’s primary
copy of a current and valid photo
election, caucus, or convention.
identification; or (b) a copy of a
Mailing address:
8. Race or Ethnic Group. Leave
current utility bill, bank statement,
Secretary of State
government check, paycheck, or
Attention: Voter Registration
9. Signature. To register in
other government document that
P.O. Box 94125
Kentucky you must:
shows the name and address of
Baton Rouge, LA 70804‑9125
• be a citizen of the United States
applicant. Neither the registrar
• be a resident of Kentucky
nor the Department of State
• be a resident of the county for at
shall disclose the social security
least 28 days prior to the election date
number of a registered voter
• be 18 years of age on or before
Updated: 08-14-2012
or circulate the social security
the next general election
numbers of registered voters on
Registration Deadline — Delivered
• not be a convicted felon or if you
commercial lists (R.S. 18:104 and
have been convicted of a felony,
21 business days before the election
154; 42 U.S.C. § 405).
your civil rights must have been
(or a voter may register in-person up
7. Choice of Party. If you do not
restored by executive pardon
to and including election day).
list a party affiliation, you cannot
• not have been judged “mentally
vote in the Presidential Preference
6. ID Number. You must list
incompetent” in a court of law
Primary and party committee
• not claim the right to vote
your valid Maine driver's license
elections. Political party affiliation
anywhere outside Kentucky
number. If you don't have a valid
is not required for any other
Maine driver's license, then you
Mailing address:
must provide the last four digits
8. Race or Ethnic Group. You
State Board of Elections
of your Social Security Number.
are requested to fill in this box.
140 Walnut Street
Voters who don't have either of
See the list of choices under the
Frankfort, KY 40601‑3240
these forms of ID must write
Application Instructions for Box 8
"NONE" in this space.
(on page 2).


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