Voter Registration Application Page 13

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Complete Voter Registration Application with your personal data - all interactive fields are highlighted in places where you should type, access drop-down lists or select multiple-choice options.

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State Instructions
*If you fail to meet the voter
registration deadlines above you
can register and vote by following
Updated: 03-01-2006
Updated: 10-25-2012
the guidelines for election day
registration. You can find these
Registration Deadline — 29 days
Registration Deadline —
on the Iowa Secretary of State’s
before the election.
Postmarked or delivered 21 days
before the election
6. ID Number. Your state voter ID
6. ID Number. Your completed
number is your ten digit Indiana
6. ID Number. Your ID number is
issued driver's license number. If you
voter registration form must
your Iowa driver's license number
do not possess an Indiana driver's
contain your state issued driver's
(or Iowa non‑driver identification
license then provide the last four
license number or nondriver's
number) if you have one, if not
digits of your social security number.
identification card number. If you
then the last four digits of your
Please indicate which number was
do not have a driver's license or
social security number. The ID
provided. (Indiana Code 3‑7‑13‑13)
nondriver's identification card, you
number you provide will be
7. Choice of Party. Leave blank.
must include the last four digits
verified with the Iowa Department
8. Race or Ethnic Group. Leave
of your social security number. If
of Transportation or the Social
you do not have a driver's license
Security Administration.
9. Signature. To register in Indiana
or a nondriver's identification card
7. Choice of Party. You may, but
you must:
or social security number, please
do not have to, register with a party
• be a citizen of the United States
write "NONE" on the form. A
in advance if you want to take part
• have resided in the precinct at least
unique identifying number will be
in that party’s primary election.
30 days before the next election
assigned by the State. The number
You may change or declare a party
• be at least 18 years of age on the
you provide will be used for
affiliation at the polls on primary
day of the next general election
administrative purposes only and
election day.
• not currently be in jail for a
will not be disclosed to the public.
8. Race or Ethnic Group. Leave
criminal conviction
(KSA 25‑2309).
7. Choice of Party. You must
9. Signature. To register in Iowa
Mailing address:
register with a party if you want to
you must:
Election Division
take part in that party’s primary
• be a citizen of the United States
Office of the Secretary of State
election, caucus, or convention.
• be a resident of Iowa
8. Race or Ethnic Group. Leave
302 West Washington Street,
• be at least 17‑1/2 years old (you
Room E‑204
must be 18 to vote)
9. Signature. To register in Kansas
Indianapolis, IN 46204‑2743
• not have been convicted of a
you must:
felony (or have had your rights
• be a citizen of the United States
• be a resident of Kansas
• not currently be judged by a
• be 18 by the next election
Updated: 03-28-2008
court to be "incompetent to vote"
• have completed the terms of your
• not claim the right to vote in
sentence if convicted of a felony;
Registration Deadline — Must be
more than one place
a person serving a sentence for a
delivered by 5 p.m. 10 days before
• give up your right to vote in any
felony conviction is ineligible to vote
the election, if it is a state primary
other place
• not claim the right to vote in any
or general election; 11 days before
other location or under any other
all others.* Registration forms
Mailing address:
which are postmarked 15 or
Elections Division
• not be excluded from voting by a
more days before an election are
Office of the Secretary of State
court of competent jurisdiction
considered on time even if received
Lucas Building‑1st Floor
after the deadline.
321 E. 12th Street
Des Moines, IA 50319


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