Hud Policy For Information Technology Strategic Planning Handbook - U.s. Department Of Housing And Urban Development - 2011 Page 5


HUD Policy for Information Technology S
HUD Policy for Information Technology Strategic Planning
Figure 1 - IT Strategic Planning
IT Strategic Planning as a Component of the IT Management Framework
as a Component of the IT Management Framework
OCIO must develop and deploy a strategic planning capability that effectively aligns HUD’s IT
OCIO must develop and deploy a strategic planning capability that effectively aligns HUD’s IT
OCIO must develop and deploy a strategic planning capability that effectively aligns HUD’s IT
investments with Departmental mission, strategies, and priorities using the most appropriat
investments with Departmental mission, strategies, and priorities using the most appropriat
investments with Departmental mission, strategies, and priorities using the most appropriate and cost-
effective technologies and techniques available. This strategic capability will bring HUD’s IT decisions in
effective technologies and techniques available. This strategic capability will bring HUD’s IT decisions in
effective technologies and techniques available. This strategic capability will bring HUD’s IT decisions in
line with HUD’s enterprise strategic management process, as well as with other business, project, and
line with HUD’s enterprise strategic management process, as well as with other business, project, and
line with HUD’s enterprise strategic management process, as well as with other business, project, and
program models.
Effective IT strategic planning will produce IT strategic plans
will produce IT strategic plans with three critical characteristics:
three critical characteristics:
The plan will be clear and actionable. IT management and practitioners at all levels must be able
The plan will be clear and actionable. IT management and practitioners at all levels must be able
The plan will be clear and actionable. IT management and practitioners at all levels must be able
to use the elements of the plan as a guide to aligning their everyday IT dec
to use the elements of the plan as a guide to aligning their everyday IT dec
to use the elements of the plan as a guide to aligning their everyday IT decisions and actions
with the overall strategies of the
with the overall strategies of the Department.
The plan will be resilient and adaptable. Mechanisms will be defined in
The plan will be resilient and adaptable. Mechanisms will be defined in IT strategic planning
IT strategic planning
procedures and guidelines to ensure that the plan can adapt to changes in HUD’s external and
procedures and guidelines to ensure that the plan can adapt to changes in HUD’s external and
procedures and guidelines to ensure that the plan can adapt to changes in HUD’s external and
internal environments without a co
ernal environments without a complete loss of forward momentum.
The plan will be measurable.
measurable. IT strategic planning goals and strategies must be quantifiable
goals and strategies must be quantifiable. The
OCIO is committed to implementing the data collection mechanisms required for gathering the
OCIO is committed to implementing the data collection mechanisms required for gathering the
OCIO is committed to implementing the data collection mechanisms required for gathering the
data and measurements needed to determine how
ta and measurements needed to determine how effectively and efficiently
effectively and efficiently strategies have
been achieved.
Version 1.1  7/14/2011
Page 2


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