Montana Form Qec - Qualified Endowment Credit - 2012 Page 3


Part I. Gift Information
income beneficiaries for the life of beneficiaries, a
term of years, or both, with the remainder interest in
Line 1. In order to claim the qualified endowment credit,
the trust transferring to, or for the use of the charity,
you are required to include a receipt for your contribution
or retained by the trust for the use of the charity. The
with this form. The receipt must be from the tax-exempt
trust agreement must provide that the trust may not
organization holding the qualified endowment receiving
terminate and the beneficiaries’ interest in the trust
the contribution, the trustee of the trust administering the
may not be assigned or contributed to the qualified
planned gift, or the Montana bank or trust company holding
endowment sooner than the earlier of the date of death
the qualified endowment on behalf of the tax-exempt
of the beneficiaries or five years from the date of the
organization. The receipt must contain all of the following
Charitable remainder annuity trust. This is a trust
The amount of the allowable contribution;
in which property is transferred and invested by the
trustee who each year pays a fixed dollar amount to
The date the contribution was made to the qualified
one or more private income beneficiaries for the life
endowment or the planned gift;
of the beneficiaries, a term of years, or both, with the
A confirmation from the 501(c)(3) organization,
remainder interest in the trust then transferring to, or
trust, or bank that the contribution was placed in a
for the use of the charity, or retained by the trust for the
permanent irrevocable fund;
use of the charity. The trust agreement must provide
that the trust may not terminate and the beneficiaries’
The name of the organization incorporated or
interest in the trust may not be assigned or contributed
established in Montana holding the qualified
to the qualified endowment sooner than the earlier of
endowment fund or the name of the tax-exempt
the date of death of the beneficiaries or five years from
organization on behalf of which the qualified
the date of the contribution.
endowment is held; and
Pooled income fund trust. This is a trust in which
A description of the type of gift.
property contributed by donors is pooled together with
In the case of a charitable trust where the charity is yet to
other investors. All the assets transferred to the fund
be named, the donor must include a copy of the disposition
are added together and invested. This pooled fund
clause of the charitable trust which gives evidence that a
creates a diversified portfolio in which all participants
qualified endowment fund has been created.
receive a share of the earnings.
If you file electronically, you do not need to mail this receipt
Charitable lead unitrust. This is a trust in which
to us unless we contact you for a copy.
property is transferred and invested by the trustee who
each year pays a fixed percentage of the unitrust value,
Line 2. Enter the date the qualified contribution was made.
revalued annually, to the charity for a term of years
Line 3. Mark the box next to the statement that applies:
or during the lives of specified linear descendants,
with the remainder interest then transferring to private
A tax-exempt Montana organization, qualified
beneficiaries named by the donor.
under 26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3), is holding the qualified
Charitable lead annuity trust. This is a trust in which
property is transferred and invested by the trustee who
A trustee of the trust is administering the planned
each year pays a fixed dollar amount to the charity
gift; or
for a term of years or lifetime(s), with the remainder
A Montana bank or trust company is holding the
interest then transferring to private beneficiaries named
qualified endowment on behalf of a tax-exempt
by the donor.
Charitable life estate agreement. This is a gift to
Provide the name and address of the entity you selected.
a charity of a personal residence that is subject to a
reserved life estate.
Line 4. If the gift you are claiming the qualified endowment
credit for was a planned gift, mark the appropriate box
Paid-up life insurance policy. This is a life insurance
indicating the type of gift contributed. If the gift was an
policy in which all the premiums have been paid that
outright gift, skip to line 5.
usually entitles the donor to a current deduction equal
to the cost of replacing the policy with a single premium
The types of planned gifts that qualify for this credit are
life insurance policy at the donor’s current age.
irrevocable contributions to a permanent endowment held
by or for a tax exempt organization when the contribution
For the following two annuities to qualify for a charitable
uses any of the following:
deduction or the qualified endowment credit, these
annuities have to be given to a charitable organization that
Charitable remainder unitrust. This is a trust in which
property is transferred and invested by the trustee
who each year pays a fixed percent of the unitrust
value, revalued annually, to one or more private


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