Montana Form Qec - Qualified Endowment Credit - 2012 Page 2


Form QEC Instructions
What is a qualified endowment?
Estates and trusts. The credit you may claim, and unused
amounts your beneficiaries may claim, depend on the form
A qualified endowment is a permanent, irrevocable fund
of contribution you make. If your contribution is a planned
established for a specific charitable, religious, educational,
gift, you may claim the 40% amount and if it is a direct
or eleemosynary (philanthropic) purpose that is held by:
contribution to a permanent endowment, you may claim the
20% amount. The maximum credit for an estate or trust is
A tax-exempt 501(c)(3) corporation formed under
the laws of Montana, or
Any amount not used by an estate or trust can be attributed
A bank or trust company holding an endowment
to each beneficiary in the same proportion used to report
fund on behalf of a Montana or foreign 501(c)(3)
the beneficiary’s income for Montana income tax purposes.
This amount should be reported to the beneficiary on
What is a permanent irrevocable fund?
Montana Schedule K-1.
This is a fund that is comprised of one or more assets
What information do I have to include with my tax
that are invested for the production or growth of income,
return when I claim this credit?
the principal of which must be retained and the income
of which may be added to the principal or expended.
Individuals. If you are filing a paper return, include
Investment assets may include cash, securities, mutual
a copy of Form QEC and receipt with your individual
funds, or other investment assets. A “building fund” or other
income tax return.
fund that is used to accumulate contributions that will be
C corporations. If you are filing a paper return, include
expended is not a permanent irrevocable fund. A fund from
a copy of Form QEC and receipt with your corporation
which contributions are expended directly for constructing,
license tax return.
renovating or purchasing operational assets, such as
Estates and trusts. If you are filing a paper return,
buildings or equipment, is not a permanent irrevocable
include a copy of Form QEC and receipt with your
income tax return for estates and trusts.
Who is entitled to the qualified endowment credit
You will need to complete a separate Form QEC for each
and how much is the credit?
gift you are claiming the credit for. For example, if you
Individuals. You are entitled to a credit against your tax
are a partner in a partnership that makes a qualifying
liability equal to 40% of the present value of the charitable
contribution, and you, as an individual, also make a
gift portion of a planned gift. Only the contributions you
qualifying contribution, you would need to complete two
make in the form of a planned gift qualify for the credit.
forms. You would then combine the credit amounts from
both forms to calculate your total credit on your income
The maximum credit you may claim against your individual
tax return. The maximum total credit that you can claim is
income tax liability for all contributions you make or are
passed through to you from a pass-through entity is
$10,000, whether you are single or married.
If you file electronically, you do not need to mail this form to
us unless we contact you for a copy.
C corporations. If you are a C corporation engaged in
an active trade or business, you are entitled to a credit
If I claim the qualified endowment credit, can I
equal to 20% of your charitable contributions to a qualified
also take a charitable deduction for the amount of
endowment. Your contributions do not have to be in the
the gift?
form of a planned gift.
No. The amount of your contribution that is used to
A C corporation’s credit cannot exceed the lower of its
calculate your qualified endowment credit cannot also be
corporation license tax liability or $10,000.
claimed as a charitable contribution on your Montana tax
S corporations, partnerships and limited liability
return. You can claim a charitable deduction for that portion
companies. If you are an S corporation, partnership, or
of the contribution not used to calculate this credit.
limited liability company, do not complete this form.
What happens if I recover my charitable gift this
The contributions of an S corporation, partnership,
or limited liability company are passed through to
If a charitable gift is recovered in the current year, you will
shareholders, partners, or members in the same proportion
have to include as income the amount previously deducted,
used to report the corporation’s, partnership’s or limited
to the extent it reduced your individual income tax or
liability company’s income or loss for Montana tax
corporation license tax. You will also need to increase the
purposes; this amount should be reported to owners on
amount of tax due by the amount of the credit previously
Montana Schedule K-1.
The pass-through entity’s contributions do not have to be in
the form of a planned gift.


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