Form 8404 - Interest Charge On Disc-Related Deferred Tax Liability - 2016 Page 2

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Form 8404 (2016)
Line 3. Enter the net amount of all section
Line 8. The base period T-bill rate is defined
than one IC-DISC, enter each IC-DISC’s
identifying number in item C, each IC-DISC’s
995(f)(2) adjustments to taxable income. See
in section 995(f)(4). The base period T-bill rate
name in item E, and report the combined
Special Computation Rules, earlier, for details
is compounded daily based on the number of
income on line 2.
on the income (loss) and expense
days in the shareholder’s tax year to
adjustments to be made. If more than one
determine the base period T-bill rate factor.
Item D—Tax year. Enter in item D the
adjustment is involved, attach a statement
calendar year or the beginning and ending
The base period T-bill rate factor for 2016
listing each item and show the computation of
dates of the tax year shown on your tax return
is .005414566 for a 366-day tax year. Enter
the net amount.
for which the interest charge is figured.
the appropriate factor on line 8 of Form 8404.
Lines 5 and 6. “Tax liability” on lines 5 and 6
See Rev. Rul. 2017-01, which will be
Special Computation Rules
(with and without the deferred DISC income)
published in Internal Revenue Bulletin
means the amount of tax imposed on the
2017-03, for a short tax year or a 52–53 week
Carrybacks. The determination of the
IC-DISC shareholder for the tax year by
tax year.
shareholder’s DISC-related deferred tax
chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code (other
liability on lines 1 through 7 shall be made
than taxes listed below) reduced by credits
without taking into account any net operating
Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act
allowable against such tax (other than credits
Notice. We ask for the information on this
loss (NOL), capital loss carryback, or credit
listed below).
carryback to the tax year.
form to carry out the Internal Revenue laws of
the United States. We need it to figure and
See Special Computation Rules, earlier, for
Carryovers. The determination of the
collect the right amount of tax. Section 995(f)
rules for carrybacks and carryovers. These
shareholder’s tax liability (line 5) for the tax
requires taxpayers to pay over to the IRS
rules may affect the line 5 computation.
year is made by disregarding any loss,
interest on DISC-Related Deferred Tax
deduction, or credit to the extent that such
The following taxes aren't taken into
Liability. This form is used to determine the
loss, deduction, or credit may be carried
amount of tax that you owe. Sections 6001
(either back or forward) by the shareholder to
• Alternative minimum tax.
and 6011 require you to provide the
any other tax year.
requested information if the tax applies to
• Any other provisions described in section
Note: If the tax year is the last tax year to
you. Section 6109 requires you to provide
26(b)(2) (relating to certain other taxes treated
which the amount of carryforward (of loss,
your identifying number. Routine uses of this
as not imposed by chapter 1).
deduction, or credit) may be carried, the line 3
information include disclosing it to the
The following credits aren't taken into
adjustments and line 5 tax shall be figured
Department of Justice for civil and criminal
with regard to the full amount of such
litigation and to other federal agencies, as
• Section 31 (taxes withheld on wages).
provided by law. We may disclose the
For example, a shareholder had an NOL
information to cities, states, the District of
• Section 32 (earned income credit).
carryover to 2017 of $12,000; $10,000 income
Columbia, and U.S. Commonwealths or
• Section 34 (fuels credit).
to which $10,000 of the NOL can be applied;
possessions to administer their tax laws. We
For 2016, a Form 1040 filer or a Form 1120
$2,000 allowable NOL carryover to 2018; and
may also disclose this information to other
filer using the above rules will generally figure
$5,000 deferred DISC income for 2017. In this
countries under a tax treaty, to federal and
their line 6 tax liability using the following
case, for purposes of figuring line 5, the
state agencies to enforce federal nontax
items shown on the following lines of those
allowed NOL is $10,000. Note: If 2017 were
criminal laws, or to federal law enforcement
forms. All other filers should use the
the last tax year to which the $12,000 NOL
and intelligence agencies to combat terrorism.
corresponding lines of other income tax
could be carried, the full $12,000 NOL would
If you don't provide this information or provide
returns. If you haven't yet filed your return,
be allowed for purposes of figuring line 5 tax
incomplete or fraudulent information, you may
estimate the line 6 tax liability based on all
liability. The additional $2,000 loss would be
be subject to penalties.
information available to you.
entered on line 3.
You aren't required to provide the
Other adjustments. In figuring line 3
information requested on a form that is
Form 1120
Form 1040
adjustments, take into account any income
subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act
and expense adjustments that don't result in
unless the form displays a valid OMB control
Tax less nonrefundable
amounts that may be carried back or forward
number. Books or records relating to a form
7, Sch. J
to other tax years. For example, in the case of
or its instructions must be retained as long as
Plus: (1) Recapture taxes
an IC-DISC shareholder who is an individual,
their contents may become material in the
the amount of medical expenses allowable as
administration of any Internal Revenue law.
(2) Prior year minimum
a deduction under section 213 must be
Generally, tax returns and return information
tax credit .
5d, Sch. J
redetermined for purposes of line 3
are confidential, as required by section 6103.
Less: (1) Alternative minimum
adjustments. However, the amount allowable
tax .
3, Sch. J
The time needed to complete and file this
as a charitable deduction under section 170
(2) Additional child tax
form will vary depending on individual
isn't redetermined because this adjustment
credit .
circumstances. The estimated burden for
could result in a carryback or carryover.
(3) American
business taxpayers filing this form is
opportunity credit .
See Proposed Regulations section
approved under OMB control number
1.995(f)-1(d) for other details regarding these
(4) Premium tax credit
and other special computation rules.
(Form 8962)
If you have comments concerning the
(5) Credit for tax paid
accuracy of these time estimates or
Line-by-Line Instructions
on undistributed
suggestions for making this form simpler, we
capital gains (Form
would be happy to hear from you. You can
Line 1. Enter on line 1 the taxable income or
2439) .
19a, Sch. J
send us comments from
loss from your federal income tax return for
(6) Health insurance
Click on “More
your tax year that ends with or includes the
credit for eligible
Information” and then on “Give us feedback.”
IC-DISC’s tax year end. If you haven't yet filed
recipients (Form
Or you can write to the Internal Revenue
your tax return, estimate your income or loss
8885) .
Service, Tax Forms and Publications, 1111
based on all information available to you. See
*Caution: Only use the portion of Form 1040,
Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526, Washington,
Amended Form 8404, earlier.
line 63, or Form 1120, Schedule J, line 10,
DC 20224.
Line 2. Enter the deferred DISC income from
attributable to recapture of credits allowable
Don't send the form to this office. Instead,
line 10, Part III of Schedule K (Form
against taxes treated as imposed under
see Where to file, earlier.
1120-IC-DISC), for the IC-DISC tax year that
chapter 1 (for example, recapture of
ends with or within your tax year.
investment tax and low-income housing
credits). See section 26(b)(2) for a list of
recapture taxes to exclude.


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