Form 8404 - Interest Charge On Disc-Related Deferred Tax Liability - 2016

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Interest Charge on DISC-Related
OMB No. 1545-0123
Deferred Tax Liability
File Form 8404 separately from your income tax return. See Where to file below.
Department of the Treasury
Information about Form 8404 and its instructions is at
Internal Revenue Service
Name of shareholder
A Check applicable box to
B Shareholder’s identifying
show type of taxpayer:
Address (number, street, room, suite, or P.O. box number)
C IC-DISC’s identifying
City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code
Trust or
Decedent’s estate
D Shareholder’s tax year for which interest charge is required to be paid (see instructions) E Name of IC-DISC
Note: See Line-by-Line Instructions, later.
Taxable income or loss on tax return (actual or estimated) .
Deferred DISC income from line 10, Part III, Schedule K (Form 1120-IC-DISC) .
Section 995(f)(2) adjustments to line 1 income or loss
Combine lines 1, 2, and 3. If zero or less, don't file this form .
Tax liability on line 4 amount
Tax liability per return (actual or estimated) .
DISC-related deferred tax liability. Subtract line 6 from line 5 .
Base period T-bill rate factor
Interest charge due. Multiply line 7 by line 8. (See Paying the interest charge below.)
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge
and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. Declaration of preparer (other than taxpayer) is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge.
Signature and Title (if any)
Print/Type preparer's name
Preparer's signature
Use Only
Firm's name
Firm's EIN
Firm's address
Phone no.
Future Developments
Where to file. File Form 8404 at the following
on the tax year of deductibility. For other
filers, this interest isn't deductible.
For the latest information about developments
Department of the Treasury
Amended Form 8404. You are required to file
related to Form 8404 and its instructions,
Internal Revenue Service
an amended Form 8404 only if the amount of
such as legislation enacted after they were
Cincinnati, OH 45999
the DISC-related deferred tax liability (line 7)
published, go to
changes as a result of audit adjustments,
Paying the interest charge. You must pay
General Instructions
changes you make by the filing of an
the interest charge shown on line 9 by the
amended return, or if estimates were used on
date your federal income tax for the tax year
Section references are to the Internal Revenue
your original Form 8404 and changes were
is required to be paid. For individuals and
Code unless otherwise noted.
made to these estimates when you filed your
corporations, the interest is generally due on
tax return. See Proposed Regulations section
Purpose of form. Shareholders of Interest
the 15th day of the 4th month following the
1.995(f)-1(j)(4) for details.
Charge Domestic International Sales
close of the tax year. Corporations with a tax
Corporations (IC-DISCs) use Form 8404 to
year ending on June 30, see section
Specific Instructions
figure and report their interest owed on
2006(a)(3)(B) of P.L. 114-41.
DISC-related deferred tax liability.
Attach a check or money order made
Name and address. Enter the name and
Who must file. You must file Form 8404 if (a)
payable to “United States Treasury” for the
address as shown on your tax return from
you are a shareholder of an IC-DISC, (b) the
full amount of the interest charge. Don't
which the income or loss on line 1 of Form
IC-DISC reports deferred DISC income to you
combine the interest charge with any other
8404 is obtained. If the return is a joint return,
on line 10, Part III of Schedule K (Form
tax or interest due. Write your identification
also enter your spouse’s name as shown on
1120-IC-DISC), and (c) the addition of this
number and “Form 8404—Interest Due” on
Form 1040.
income would result in increased taxable
your payment.
Item A—Type of taxpayer. Check the
income if it were included on your tax return
If the interest charge isn't paid by the due
applicable box to indicate your status as a
for the tax year.
date, interest, compounded daily, at the rate
When to file. File Form 8404 by the due date
specified under section 6621, will be imposed
Partnerships and S corporations distribute
of your federal income tax return (excluding
on the amount of unpaid interest from the due
their share of deferred DISC income to
extensions) for your tax year that ends with or
date until the date the interest is paid.
partners and shareholders, and the partners
includes the IC-DISC’s tax year end.
Payment of estimated tax isn't required for
and shareholders complete Form 8404.
For example, you are a fiscal year
the interest charge. See Proposed
Item B—Shareholder’s identifying number.
corporation with an August 1, 2016, to July
Regulations section 1.995(f)-1(j)(3) for other
Individuals must enter their social security
31, 2017, tax year and you are a shareholder
number. Other filers must enter their employer
in an IC-DISC with an August 1, 2016, to July
For corporations (other than
identification number.
31, 2017, tax year that reports deferred DISC
S corporations), the annual interest charge is
Item C—IC-DISC’s identifying number.
income to you for its tax year ending July 31,
deductible as an interest expense for the tax
Enter the identifying number of the IC-DISC
2017. Because your tax year ends with the
year it is paid or accrued. See Proposed
from the Schedule K (Form 1120-IC-DISC) on
IC-DISC’s tax year, you are required to file
Regulations section 1.995(f)-1(j)(2) for details
which the deferred DISC income was reported
Form 8404 on or before November 15, 2017
to you. If income is reported to you from more
months after your tax year ends).
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 2.
Cat. No. 62423Z


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