Municipal Income Tax Return And Claim For Refund Instructions For Form Ir-22 (Individual Return) - 2001 Page 4


Lines 7-9 (Improperly Withheld Taxes). Complete these lines if
your employer withheld tax to one of the cities listed in Table
1 when your employer should not have. You MUST attach
the W-2’s and supporting documentation. In addition, we will
not process your refund unless IR-22, Page 2, Part 2
(Certification by Employer) is completed.
Non-Wage Income
Warning: If your employer should have withheld city tax, but
withheld tax in excess of the proper tax rate, you will have to
This section is to be completed by individuals engaged in business
seek your refund from your employer. (For example, your
(e.g. sole proprietorships, rental property, partnership, and/or farm).
employer should have withheld tax to Columbus at the
You must attach copies of Federal Schedules C, E, F and K-1 to
statutory 2% rate, but instead withheld tax at 3%.) Employers
your return if applicable.
are not permitted to withhold tax in excess of the statutory
rate even at your request.
Column O - Indicate the city (or cities) where the business activity
Lines 10-13 (Non-Resident Over-the-Road Truck Drivers and
Non-Resident Railroad Employees). Use these lines to
Code Column - Enter the corresponding city code (found on Page
calculate the taxable portion of your earnings as a non-
1 of the IR-22).
resident railroad employee and/or non-resident over-the-road
Column P - Enter income (or loss) from Federal Schedule C and/
truck driver. Claim Form 2106 expenses associated with
or F.
these jobs on Line 11. Be sure to complete Part 2 (Certification
Column Q - Enter rental income (or loss) from Federal Schedule
by Employer).
E. You MUST indicate the complete rental addresses, including
Lines 14-24 (Non-Resident Days Worked Out). These lines
zip codes on your attached Schedule E.
are used to calculate the taxable wages for non-residents
Column R - Enter partnership city taxable income/loss from
who earned only part of their income in the administered cities.
Schedule K-1 (contact general partner if not shown). If the
Lines 14-24 guide you through a formula based on a work
partnership is not subject to city tax, enter the ordinary income/
year consisting of 260 days (representing five (5) days per
loss from Schedule E. Columbus, Brice and Worthington
week times 52 weeks). Sick, vacation and holiday pay is
residents who are shareholders in a sub-chapter S corporation
prorated by the formula, as are Form 2106 expenses
also enter income/loss from Schedule K-1 (Form 1120S). S-
associated with this job. Be sure to attach a list of all the
Corp losses may only offset S-Corp gains.
dates you worked outside of the administered cities, along
Column S - Total the net income/loss per city. NOTE: In general,
with the locations (city and state) at which you worked on
a loss can only be used to offset profit if the profit and loss
those dates. Also, you must complete Part 2 (Certification
occurred in the same city. Carry all positive totals in Column
by Employer).
S to Page 1, Column C on the respective city line. If a loss is
Rev. 11/01
indicated in Column S, enter zero in Column C. Non-wage
losses CANNOT offset W-2 income unless you are a resident
of Brice or Lithopolis.
Adjustments to Taxable Wages
Lines 1-3 (Form 2106 Expenses). These lines figure your taxable
wages after deducting Form 2106 expenses. You may offset
your earnings using Form 2106 expenses subject to a few
limitations. First, you must attach a copy of Form 2106, and
it must clearly indicate to what job the expenses relate. If you
are claiming Form 2106 expenses for several jobs, you need
to attach a separate Form 2106 for each job. Second, your
Form 2106 expenses may not exceed your earnings from the
job to which the expenses relate. Third, you must be required
to complete a Form 2106 to claim the expenses on your
Federal return. Thus, if you can claim all the expenses
reported on your Form 2106 directly on Schedule A of your
Federal return without being required to file Form 2106, you
may not claim these expenses on your city return.
Form 2106 expenses (and the associated wages) related to
your work as a non-resident over-the-road truck driver or non-
resident railroad employee are reported on Lines 10 and 11
Form 2106 expenses (and the related wages) associated with
your work as a non-resident claiming a refund for wages
earned outside of our taxing districts are reported on Lines
14-20 below.
Lines 4-6 (Under Age 18). You may reduce your taxable wages
by the amount of wages you earned while under the age of
18. To do so, you must enter your date of birth on Line 5, and
attach a copy of your driver’s license or birth certificate. Do
not send originals— they will not be returned. A notarized
statement from either parent stating your birthday may be
substituted for the copy of your driver’s license or birth


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