Municipal Income Tax Return And Claim For Refund Instructions For Form Ir-22 (Individual Return) - 2001 Page 3


Line 5 - Enter total amount due - Line 3 plus Line 4. If less than
Part B: Tax Calculation
$1.00 is due, no payment is necessary.
Column A - Please enter the name(s) of your city or cities of
Line 6 - Enter overpayment if Line 2 exceeds Line 1.
income. Do not list a city not shown in Table 1, and do not
Line 6A - Enter amount of overpayment from Line 6 you want
list a city more than once. Residents who earned income
credited to your 2002 estimated taxes.
in a non-taxing area or a municipality not listed in Table 1
Line 6B - Enter the amount of the overpayment from Line 6 you
should enter the income on the line corresponding to their
want refunded. You must sign your return and attach all
resident city.
documentation for your refund to be issued.
The alternate city line is used by residents of the
municipalities listed in Table 1 to report tax due to the
Declaration of Estimated Taxes
resident city on income earned in another city listed in Table
1 with a lesser tax rate. For example, a resident of Columbus
Taxpayers who anticipate owing city tax to any municipality listed
(a 2% city) working in Brice (a 1% village) would owe
in Table 1 or who are residents of one of the municipalities listed in
Columbus a 1% alternate city tax.
Table 1 and are engaged in any unincorporated business, must
Code Column - Please enter the code(s) corresponding to the
complete this section. Non-residents who are engaged in any
municipality or municipalities entered in Column A. The
unincorporated business operating in any municipality listed in Table
alternate city code should be left blank.
1 must also complete this section.
Column B - Enter all income from wages, salaries, commissions,
etc. on the corresponding city lines. Residents who earned
Individuals anticipating no income subject to the tax in the year
income in a non-taxing area or a municipality not listed in
2002 must also complete this section, showing zero in Column N.
Table 1 should enter the income on the line corresponding
to their resident city.
To be considered as filed in good faith and not subject to penalty
Column C - Enter all income from net profits, rents and other
and interest, your timely paid estimated tax must not be less than
taxable income on the corresponding city lines. (See NON-
80% of the total tax liability shown on your 2001 tax return. We will
WAGE INCOME on Page 2 of the IR-22.)
also consider your estimated taxes as filed in good faith if your
Column D – Column B plus Column C.
timely payments equal or exceed 100% of the tax shown on your
Tax Rate Column - Please enter the applicable tax rate(s) for
2001 return. Each municipality is considered a separate entity in
the city(ies) listed on your return.
the calculation and payment of a good faith estimate.
The Alternate City rate is the difference between the resident
city’s rate and the rate of the city of income. For example, a
Column H - Indicate the name of the city (or cities) where income
resident of Columbus (a 2% city) working in Brice (a 1%
is anticipated.
village) would show an Alternate City tax rate of 1%.
Code Column - Enter the corresponding city code.
Column E – Multiply Column D by the tax rate.
Column I - Enter estimated income from wages, salaries, etc.
Column F - Enter the following, if applicable: 1) city tax shown
Column J - Enter estimated income from net profits, rents and
as withheld on the W-2; 2) city tax paid directly to a city not
other taxable income.
listed on Form IR-22 - attach a copy of the return filed with
Column K – Column I plus Column J.
that city; 3) city tax paid on your behalf by a partnership -
Tax Rate Column - Enter the corresponding tax rate.
attach a copy of the K-1; and/or 4) city tax paid by a
Column L – Column K multiplied by the tax rate.
Subchapter S corporation of which you are a shareholder -
Column M – Enter the tax estimated to be withheld or paid to a city
attach a copy of the K-1 (Columbus, Brice and Worthington
where income will be earned.
residents only). DO NOT enter declaration payments in this
Column N – Column L less Column M.
column: they are entered on Line 2 of Page 1.
Line 7 - Enter the total of Column N.
You cannot claim credit for taxes withheld to the city of
Line 8 - Enter credit reported on Line 6A if applicable.
income that exceed: 1) that city’s tax rate times that job’s
Line 9 - Enter amount from Line 8.
city taxable income after Form 2106 expenses; or 2) your
Line 10 - Subtract Line 9 from Line 7.
resident city’s tax rate times that job’s city taxable income.
Line 11 - Enter amount paid with this declaration. A minimum of
Harrisburg and Lithopolis residents may only take credit for
25% of Line 7 is due by April 15, 2002.
tax withheld or paid to their city of residence.
Line 12 - Enter the balance due in quarterly payments (Line 10
Column G - Enter net tax due (Column E less Column F).
less Line 11). (Payable in equal installments due June 15,
Line 1 - Enter total net tax due (Total of Column G).
September 15 and December 15.)
Line 2 - Enter all declaration payments made for 2001and any
Line 13 - Enter the total amount due (Line 5 plus Line 11). If
overpayment carried forward from the prior year. Do not
payment is due, attach one (1) check or money order made
enter tax withheld or paid by a partnership on your behalf
payable to City Treasurer.
(See Column F).
Line 3 - Subtract Line 2 from Line 1. Indicate an overpayment
with parentheses.
Sign Your Return
Line 4 - Enter penalty, interest and late filing fees if applicable.
Answer the questions concerning any changes to a prior year’s
All taxes unpaid after April 15
are subject to a 10% penalty.
Federal tax liability, and then sign your return.
Taxes due Columbus, Brice, Harrisburg, Marble Cliff or
Worthington remaining unpaid after April 15
are subject to
Form IR-22 is not considered a complete return unless you sign it
interest at a rate of .583% per month. The interest rate of
and attach all W-2 statements and applicable federal tax documents.
1.5% per month applies to the other administered cities. A
If you are filing a joint return, your spouse must also sign.
late filing fee of $5.00 per day not to exceed $25.00 is due
from Lithopolis residents and nonresidents engaged in
Paid Preparers Must Sign Your Return. Anyone you pay to
business in Lithopolis who fail to file the required tax return
prepare your return must sign and date it in the space provided,
by the due date.
and provide their Federal employer identification number (EIN) or
Social Security number (SSN). A paid preparer may not use a
preparer tax identification number (PTIN) in lieu of an EIN or SSN.


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