Municipal Income Tax Return And Claim For Refund Instructions For Form Ir-22 (Individual Return) - 2001 Page 2


An extension of time to file may be granted provided an
extension request is filed with the Income Tax Division by the
original due date of the return. A copy of your Federal extension
will be accepted as a City extension request if it is received by
the City by the original due date of the return. However, if
payment is required to be made with your extension request,
City Form IT-42 must be used.
Name, Address and Social Security
Number (SSN)
There is a three (3) year statute of limitations for claiming a
refund or credit of any overpayment of city tax.
Use the Preprinted Form. Using the preprinted form that was
mailed to you will speed the processing of your return. It also
prevents common errors that can delay refunds and result in
unnecessary notices. Cross out any errors and print the correct
What if I File or Pay Late?
information. Add any missing items, such as your apartment
All municipalities listed in Table 1 impose penalties and interest
number. If the address on your preprinted form is not current,
on taxes remaining unpaid after April 15
. In addition, the
cross out your old address and print your new address. Be sure to
Village of Lithopolis imposes a late filing fee of $5.00 per day
enter the date of your move in the space provided.
not to exceed $25.00. Thus, if you are unable to pay the full
amount of tax owed, you should still file your return along with
What if I Do Not Have a Preprinted Form? Print or type your
payment of as much of the tax due as possible.
name, address, and social security number in the space provided.
If you are filing a joint return, print or type your spouse’s name and
social security number also.
What is Taxable Income?
Other Information
. For RESIDENTS, taxable income includes all salaries,
wages, commissions, bonuses, tips and other
The information requested here can help avoid notices being sent
compensation regardless of where it was earned. Taxable
to you requesting additional information.
income also includes the net profits of all unincorporated
businesses such as real estate and equipment rentals, sole
Indicate your filing status.
proprietorships and your share of partnership income
If you moved, enter the date of your move. Attach a statement
(whether distributed or not).
These unincorporated
to your return indicating your former address. If you are
business profits are taxable regardless of where the
allocating income as a result of your move, you will need to
business was conducted. You may be entitled to a credit
attach documentation to your return explaining the allocation
for taxes paid to the city where your income was earned.
(such as a copy of a paystub dated close to your move date).
If you are requesting that your account be inactivated, indicate
B. For NONRESIDENTS, taxable income includes all
the reason (taxes fully withheld by employer, sold business
salaries, wages, commissions, bonuses, tips and other
or rental property, etc.) and attach supporting documentation
compensation earned in any of the municipalities listed in
such as Federal Form 1040, W-2P or Statement of Social
Table 1. Taxable income also includes the net profits of
Security Earnings.
all unincorporated businesses such as real estate and
Enter the names of the cities in which you worked. If you
equipment rentals, sole proprietorships and your share of
worked in more than two (2) cities, attach a list of all the cities
partnership income (whether distributed or not) if the
to the back of your return.
business was conducted in one of the municipalities listed
Enter city or (cities) of residence for the year. For residency
in Table 1.
clarification, please call (614) 645-7370.
Your city taxable wages are calculated before any deduction
for such things like 401(k) deferrals. Treat disability income
Part A: Taxable Wages
as wages unless it is received from Worker’s Compensation
Indicate your employer(s) and the address(es) where you
or from insurance paid for by you.
actually reported for work (this may differ from your employer’s
address printed on your Form W-2). If you run out of space,
Passive activity losses are deducted the year incurred:
please attach an additional page.
carryforwards are not allowed for city tax purposes. Income
Indicate city taxable wages from each employer. Wages for
from intangibles (like interest and dividends you received) are
city tax purposes may differ from the Federal wages reported
not taxable. You may be able to reduce your taxable income.
on your W-2 (see Box 20 of your W-2 forms). City taxable
Consult Page 2 of the IR-22 to see if you qualify.
wages include all wages that may be deferred or excluded
from Federal and State taxable wages. These deferrals
appear in boxes 13 and 14 of your W-2 with codes D, E, F, G
What if I Have Questions?
and S.
If you have questions about completing your IR-22 call the
If you adjusted any of your taxable wages on Page 2 of Form IR-
Columbus Income Tax Division at (614) 645-7646, TDD (614)
22, enter the adjusted wages next to the appropriate employer.
645-6000. If you need city tax forms, call (614) 645-7370. All
forms and instructions are also available on-line at


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