Form Tc-364 - Special Fuel Supplier Tax Return Page 2

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Special Fuel Supplier Tax Return Instructions
Line 7. Exchange Receipts. List all untaxed exchange receipts on form TC-364A,
Diesel Fuel
Schedule 2b and enter the total on this line.
means any liquid that is commonly or commercially known, offered for
Line 8. TOTAL DIESEL FUEL AVAILABLE (add lines 1 through 7 and enter the
sale, or used as a fuel in diesel engines. It includes any combustible liquid, by
total on this line)
whatever name the liquid may be known or sold, when the liquid is used in an
Line 9. Exports. List exports for sale in another state on form TC-364B, Schedule
internal combustion engine for the generation of power to operate a motor vehicle
7 and enter the total gallons of diesel fuel exported from Utah on this line. (Do not
upon the highway, except fuel that is taxed as Motor Fuel or Aviation Fuel under
include dyed diesel sales included in line 10 below.)
Utah Code 59-13.
Line 10. Dyed diesel sales. Enter total amount of dyed diesel sales from TC 364B,
Schedule 6F.
(see Tax Bulletin 13-97)
Line 11. Exempt sales. This line applies to undyed diesel fuel sold to persons with
Supplier means any person who imports or acquires immediately upon importation
a Division of Air Quality exemption certificate issued for low sulphur diesel
into this state diesel fuel from out of state; produces, manufactures, refines, or
purchased for business use in machinery and equipment not registered and not
blends diesel fuel in this state; otherwise acquires for distribution or sale in Utah
required to be registered for highway use. List all these sales on TC-364B,
diesel fuel with respect to which there has been no previous taxable sale or use; or
Schedule 10a and enter total on this line.
is deemed to be the supplier in a two party exchange between terminal position
Line 12. Enter total gallons purchased with the Utah tax paid. (Same as line 6)
Line 13. Exchange Disbursements. List all untaxed exchange disbursements on
TC-364B, Schedule 10b and enter total on this line.
All suppliers must obtain a license from the Utah State Tax Commission and
Line 14. Enter actual ending inventory of diesel fuel for the month on this line.
provide a bond.
The number of gallons reported on this line becomes next month's Special Fuel
Who Must File
Supplier Tax Return beginning inventory on line 1. (Include both dyed and undyed
diesel inventory.)
Each supplier of diesel fuels must file this return to account for all diesel fuel
Line 15. TOTAL DEDUCTIONS (add lines 9 through 14 and enter the total on this
purchases and sales.
Line 16. Taxable gallons (subtract line 15 from line 8 and enter the result on this
Special fuel tax is collected and paid to the State of Utah by the supplier when
undyed diesel fuel is removed from any refinery or terminal, is blended or is
Line 17. Tax Rate. 1997 legislation increased the special fuel tax rate to 24.5 «
imported into the state for consumption, use, sale or storage. Note the four
cents per gallon beginning July 1, 1997. All beginning inventory, purchases, and
exceptions for collecting tax:
sales after midnight June 30, 1997 must be taxed using this tax rate.
Line 18. TAX DUE (multiply line 16 by 17 and enter the result on this line). Round
(1) Sale of dyed diesel fuel
to whole dollars.
(2) Sale to a Division of Air Quality State Implementation Plan
Line 19. FOR AMENDED RETURNS ONLY. On this line, enter the amount of
Exemption Certificate holder
credit for tax paid on the original tax return. If this is an amended return, check
(3) Sale directly exported after removal from a terminal
the AMENDED box below the name and address field and enter the period being
(4) Transfers of diesel fuel between terminals or refineries pursuant to an
amended in the "Tax period" field.
exchange agreement.
Line 20. If you want the Tax Commission to calculate applicable penalty and
interest, skip this line and complete line 21. If you would like to calculate penalty
and interest, you may do so. Interest will be assessed at the rate prescribed by law
The supplier must retain a copy of each sales invoice and must be able to account
from the original due date until paid in full. For interest information, taxpayers may
for each delivery made. The seller of fuel has the burden of proof to account for all
request Applicable Interest Rates, form TC-15 by calling or writing the Utah State
tax exempt sales. During an audit by the Tax Commission, if the seller is unable to
Tax Commission. Failure to file a return and/or pay the amount due are subject to
produce an acceptable invoice (or other acceptable evidence) for each exempt sale,
the sale will be considered taxable and the tax will be assessed to the supplier.
Line 21. NET DUE (add lines 18 and 20) and enter the total in this line. Round to
Return Instructions
whole dollars. (If this is an AMENDED return, first subtract line 19 from line 18 - for
taxes previously paid; then add line 20 to the result and enter on this line.)
Line 1. Enter beginning inventory of diesel fuel for the month. This must be the
actual beginning inventory figure. It should agree with line 14 of the previous
Make check or money order payable to the Utah State Tax Commission and enter
month's Special Fuel Supplier Tax Return. (Include both dyed and undyed diesel
that amount in the Amount Paid box on the coupon at the bottom of the tax
return. Do not send cash. Do not staple the check to the coupon. Do not
Line 2. Enter the total amount of diesel fuel manufactured or compounded during
separate the coupon - keep attached. Send the entire form, including the coupon
the month.
and payment to Special Fuel Supplier Tax Return, Utah State Tax Commission, 210
Line 3. Dyed diesel purchases. Enter the total amount of dyed diesel fuel
North 1950 West, Salt Lake City, Utah 84134-0500. If you have questions, please
purchases for the month from TC- 364A, Schedule 2a.
call (801) 297-2200 or (800) 662-4335 if outside the Salt Lake City area.
Line 4. Blend Products. List all purchases of products used to blend with diesel
fuels on form TC-364A, Schedule 2c. Enter the total amount of blend products on
this line.
Special Fuel Supplier Tax Returns must be filed, even if no tax is due.
Line 5. Imports. List all imports to Utah on form TC-364A, Schedule 3 and enter
the total gallons of diesel fuel imported to Utah on this line. Do not include dyed
diesel fuel purchases reported on line 3 above.
Line 6. List all purchases of diesel fuel for which Utah tax has been paid on form
TC-364A, Schedule 1 and enter the total gallons of Utah tax paid purchases of
diesel fuel on this line and on line 12.
364I.FRM 4/99


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