State of Illinois
Illinois Department of Public Health
e. Depressurizes slowly to ensure media do not boil over and bubbles do not form in fermentation tubes
f. Spore strips or ampules used monthly (465.400s).
g. Maximum registering thermometer or data logger used each cycle (465.400s).
h. Data logger with external probe/maximum registering thermometer placed in a container of water
QC i. Automatic timing mechanism checked accuracy with stopwatch quarterly (plus or minus 1-minute for each
15-minute time period) (465.400s).
j. Records include date, contents, sterilization time and temperature, total time in autoclave, analysts initials
Hot Air Oven
Manufacturer/Model __________________________________________________________________
a. Minimum temperature of 175°C maintained (465.330f).
b. Thermometer graduated in no more than 10°C increments (465.400f).
c. Thermometer bulb in sand or oven equipped with temperature recording device (465.400f).
QC d. Spore strips used monthly (465.400s).
e. Maximum registering thermometer or data logger used each cycle (465.400s).
QC f. Records include date, contents, sterilization time and temperature, total time in oven, analysts initials
10. Colony Counter
Manufacturer/Model __________________________________________________________________
a. Dark field colony counter available to count heterotrophic plate count colonies (465.360t9).
11. Microscope
Manufacturer/Model __________________________________________________________________
a. Binocular dissecting microscope (10-15x) with external daylight fluorescent light source at an angle of 60°
to 80° above the colonies to count MF colonies (465.330l).
b. Mechanical hand tally (465.330m).
12. Conductivity Meter
Manufacturer/Model __________________________________________________________________
a. Readable in ohms or mhos; range capable of determining conductivity or resistivity of lab pure water
QC b. Calibrated monthly according to manufacturer’s instructions using certified traceable low level standard of
20 micromhos or less; meter reading within 2% of the value of the standard; in-line units must be able to
be calibrated (465.400z).
13. Inoculating Equipment
a. Presterilized cotton swabs or applicator sticks sterilized by dry heat (465.330n).
b. Metal loops of 22-gauge to 24-gauge chrome or platinum-iridium wire or presterilized plastic loops; loop
diameter at least 3mm (465.330n).