State of Illinois
Illinois Department of Public Health
1. Written QA plan maintained and available to analysts in area where analytical work takes place
(465.390a) (465.390b).
2. QA plan: (USEPA Certification Manual Chapter III)
a. Laboratory organization and responsibility
1. Chart or table showing laboratory organization.
2. Job descriptions of personnel.
3. Description of training provided to keep personnel updated on regulations and methodology.
b. SOPs with dates of last revision (465.390b)
1. SOPs accurately reflect all phases of current laboratory activities.
2. List of SOPs maintained.
3. SOPs reviewed annually and as changes are made.
4. SOPs have signature pages and revisions dated.
c. Field sampling procedures (as applicable)
1. Process described that is used to identify sample collectors, sample procedures and locations,
required preservation, proper containers, correct sample container cleaning procedures, sample
holding times from collection to analysis, and sample shipping and storage conditions.
2. Procedure to complete forms including all required information.
3. Description of how samples are checked upon arrival (e.g., proper containers, temperature,
proper preservation).
4. Written sampling procedure available to samplers.
d. Laboratory sample receipt and handling procedures
1. Documentation procedures described (e.g., ink only, entries dated and signed).
2. Rejection criteria established; procedure for notification of sample originators.
e. Analytical procedures (may reference SOP)
1. Complete method cited.
2. Quality control procedures described (may reference SOP).
Data reduction, validation, reporting and verification (may reference SOP)
1. Data reduction process described: method of conversion of raw data to coliforms/100mL,
heterotrophic bacteria counts to CFU/mL.
2. Data validation process described.
3. Reporting procedures described, including procedures and format.
4. Data verification process described.
g. Type of quality control (QC) checks and the frequency of their use (may reference SOPs).
h. List schedules of internal and external system and data quality audits and inter laboratory comparisons
(PTs) (may reference SOPs).
Corrective action contingencies.
Record keeping procedures.