State of Illinois
Illinois Department of Public Health
QC o. Media control for each bottle of agar used (poured last); air control exposed for 15 minutes, pipet,
petri dishes, and dilution water controls for each series of samples (air plate started before making
first dilution or plating first sample) (465.390d1,d2,d3,d4).
QC p. Agar weight loss determined quarterly, less than 15%.
q. Counts reported for plates having 30 colonies -300 colonies (If 1.0 ml of undiluted sample results in
fewer than 30 colonies, actual count reported) (465.360t9).
If more than one analyst in laboratory, each counted the colonies on same plate monthly;
colony counts agreed within 10% (465.390c4)(SWTR).
s. SimPlate Unit Dose: 10 mL added to dehydrated medium or 9 mL sterile diluent and 1 mL sample,
poured into center of plate, distributed evenly, excess drained into absorbent pad (465.360t7).
SimPlates incubated in inverted position at 35°C ± 0.5°C for 45 hours - 72 hours (465.360t7).
u. Wells that fluoresce under UV light counted, count converted with Idexx Unit Dose MPN table
10 mL sample most probable number (MPN) read directly, 1 mL sample multiplied by 10 (465.360t7).
w. SimPlate Multiple Dose: 100 mL sterile diluent added to dehydrated medium, 1.0 mL of sample and
9 mL of reconstituted medium added to center of plate, plate swirled to mix, distributed evenly,
excess drained into absorbent pad (465.360t8).
x. SimPlates incubated in inverted position at 35°C ± 0.5°C for 45 hours - 72 hours (465.360t7).
Wells that fluoresce counted under UV light; count converted with Idexx Multi-Dose MPN table;
if dilution made, MPN value multiplied by dilution factor (465.360t7).