Fec Form 6 - 48-Hour Notice Of Contributions/loans Received Page 2


Principal campaign committees must file 48-hour notices
In the case of contributions from any other person (in-
contributions of $1,000 or more received after the 20th
cluding contributions from political committees), provide the
day, but more than 48 hours, before 12:01 a.m. of the day of
contributor’s full name and address, the date of receipt and
any election in which the candidate participates.
the amount of the contribution.
Committees may disclose these contributions on FEC
The contributions and loans must be itemized a second
Form 6 or in a letter containing the same information.
time in the first report filed after the election.
The 48-hour notice requirement applies to all types of
elections—primary, convention, general, runoff, special—and
Filing on Time
even when a candidate is unopposed in an election.
FEC Form 6 must be received by the federal and state
This requirement applies to all contributions of $1,000 or
filing office within 48 hours after a campaign’s receipt of any
more, including:
contribution of $1,000 or more received after the 20th day,
but more than 48 hours before, the date of any election in
• Monetary and in-kind contributions;
which the candidate participates. A postmark date is not
• Guarantees and endorsements of bank loans;
significant for purposes of filing on time.
• Loans (other than bank loans);
Where to File
• Advances;
Senate candidate committees file with the Secretary of
• Contributions, personal loans, endorsements of bank
the Senate.
loans and advances made by the candidate; and
• Candidate draws on personal credit cards.
Secretary of the Senate
The 48-hour notice requirement does not apply to contri-
Office of Public Records
232 Hart Senate Office Building
butions that have been previously disclosed on reports filed
Washington, DC 20510-7116
by the committee.
Fax number for Secretary of the Senate:
What to Report
(202) 224–1851.
Fill in the information requested in the spaces provided.
Include the name and address of the committee, name of
Committees must simultaneously file a copy of each FEC
the candidate, the office sought by the candidate and your
Form 6 with the Secretary of State (or appropriate state
committee’s FEC identification number. For each contribu-
officer) in the state in which the candidate seeks election.
tion of $1,000 or more, provide the following information for
All other candidate committees file with the FEC.
each contributor:
• Full name (including first name, middle name or initial,
Federal Election Commission
if available, and last name);
999 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20463
• Mailing address;
• Occupation and name of employer;
Fax number for FEC: (202) 219–0174
• Date of receipt; and
Presidential candidate committees must simultaneously
• Amount of contribution.
file copies with the Secretary of State (or appropriate state
officer) in each state in which the committee makes expen-


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