Mandatory Letter Of Intent


Attachment 17
Mandatory Letter of Intent
This is a non-binding Letter of Intent whose purpose is to assist CDPH in determining the staffing
needs for the proposal evaluation process and to improve future procurements.
CDPH is interested in knowing if your firm intends to submit a proposal or your reasons for not
submitting a proposal. Completion of this form is mandatory
Action to take
Indicate your intention to submit a proposal by checking items 1 or 2 below. Follow the instructions
below your selection.
My firm intends to submit a proposal.
A. Check box number 1 if the above statement reflects your intention.
B. Complete the bottom portion of this form and return it to CDPH as instructed in the RFP section entitled,
“Mandatory Non-Binding Letter of Intent”.
My firm does not intend to submit a proposal for this project.
A. Check box number 2 if the statement in item 2 reflects your intention.
B. Indicate the reason(s) for not submitting a proposal by checking each of the following statements that
My firm lacks sufficient staff expertise or personnel resources to meet all RFP requirements.
My firm lacks sufficient experience (i.e., not enough or wrong type).
My firm believes the qualification requirements are too restrictive.
Insufficient time was allowed for proposal preparation.
Too much paperwork is required to prepare a proposal response.
Other commitments and projects have a greater priority.
My firm did not learn about the contract opportunity soon enough.
My firm does not provide the full range of services that CDPH is seeking.
My firm is only interested in becoming a subcontractor, consultant, or supplier.
My firm cannot meet the DVBE requirements - we do not wish to subcontract any work out.
Too much effort and/or paper work is required to meet California DVBE requirements.
Insufficient time was allowed for DVBE compliance.
Other reason:
C. Complete the bottom portion of this form and return it to CDPH as instructed in the RFP section entitled,
“Mandatory Non-Binding Letter of Intent”.
D. By indicating there is no intention to submit a proposal, CDPH may elect not to send your firm RFP
clarification notices, RFP addenda, proposer questions and answers, or other procurement notices.
Name of Firm:
Printed Name/Title:


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