Form Cra - Combined Registration Application For State Of Delaware Business License And/or Withholding Agent - Division Of Revenue Page 21

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Complete Form Cra - Combined Registration Application For State Of Delaware Business License And/or Withholding Agent - Division Of Revenue with your personal data - all interactive fields are highlighted in places where you should type, access drop-down lists or select multiple-choice options.

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1. Enter the account number of the business for which you are filing. This is either a federal employer identification
number or a social security number, and can be found in your annual gross receipts coupon book.
2. Enter the contractor’s business name, as it appears on the Delaware business license.
3. Enter the contractor’s mailing address.
4. Enter the month and year for which the gross receipts tax is being reported. Enter the total amount of gross receipts
being reported. (The total on Line 4 should also be entered on Line 1 of your gross receipts reporting coupon.)
5. List payments made to subcontractors. If you are reporting payments to more than five subcontractors, use the back
of Form 1280 for additional space:
1) Enter the subcontractor’s business name and mailing address in the field provided.
2) Enter the subcontractor’s employer identification number.
3) Enter the total amount of payment(s) made to the subcontractor.
4) Enter the subcontractor’s Delaware business license number. Payments to subcontractors without a current
business license will be denied.
5) Enter the subcontractor’s business code (this can only be business code 331, 332, 333, 335, 336 or 337).
6. Enter the total amount of payments made to subcontractors. (The total on Line 6 should also be entered on Line 2 of
your gross receipts reporting coupon.)
7. Subtract Line 6 from Line 4. Enter this amount on Line 7. (The amount on Line 7 should also be entered on Line 3 of
your gross receipts reporting coupon.)
The following is a listing of activities/expenses which are NOT DEDUCTIBLE as amounts paid to subcontractors:
Accounting Expenses
Interior Designers/Decorators
Material supplied without labor
Operating Expenses
Construction Management
Delivery or transportation charges
Employment Agencies or temporary employees
Environmental Studies
Taxes or other fees paid to any state, county, city or municipality
Equipment Rental
Trailer Rentals
Trash Removal
Utility Expenses
(Form 1280-DEV - Revised 11/2007)


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