Membership Application - Ymca Of Northwest North Carolina Page 2


Payment Authorization
Bank Draft Credit Card Draft
Invoice-1 year
Invoice-6 months
Draft Date:
Monthly Draft Amount: _____________________
Checking Savings
I authorize the YMCA to draft from my:
Bank Name: _____________________________________________________________________________
Name on Account: _____________________________________________________________________
Routing Transit Number: ____________________
Account Number:
(Last 4 digits only)
CREDIT/DEBIT CARD: I authorize the YMCA to draft from my:
Visa Master Card
American Express
Credit Card Number:
_____________ Exp._______________
(Last 4 digits only)
Name on Card: _________________________________________________________________________
Billing Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Member Agreement
1. I understand that this is an on-going membership payment plan.
2. I understand that this payment plan is agreed upon regardless of my facility usage and that the YMCA does not
prorate dues based on facility usage.
3. I understand that it is my responsibility to provide the YMCA with current up-to-date bank or credit card information
throughout the term of my membership.
4. I understand that if I wish to terminate or change membership in any way, I may do so by giving the YMCA a 15-day
written notice with completion of the Membership Cancellation or Change Form. I understand that this means I
may have one final draft after the date I have signed this form.
5. Should any membership deduction not be honored by my bank for any reason, I realize that I am still responsible for
the payment, plus any applicable service charge assessed by the YMCA.
6. I understand that the YMCA is using a third party to assist in the collection of returned checks and bank drafts. If my
check or bank draft is returned for any reason, my account will be debited electronically for the amount of the check
and/or draft plus a processing fee.
7. I understand that the YMCA has 30 days to process my NSF draft.
8. I understand that the YMCA may, at their discretion, cancel my membership based on draft declines and that I am
responsible for the past due balance.
9. I understand that the YMCA Board of Directors may, at their discretion, adjust the monthly rate applicable to my
membership category and that they will give at least 30 days notice of any rate changes.
10. I understand that any YMCA membership may be terminated for the violation of the YMCA Code of Conduct, the Sex
Offender policy, violation of policies and procedures of the YMCA, or any other cause.
This authorization remains in effect until the YMCA has received a 15-day written notification with completion of the
Membership Cancellation Form from me indicating my desire to discontinue my membership.
Member Signature:__________________________________________________________________________________ Date:_________/_________/_________
Office Use Only:
Branch # __________ Membership Type: _______________ Join Date: ____________ Billing: Draft 1 yr 6mo
Prorated Dues/Joining Fee Information:
Pay Method: MC VISA Discover
Check #: ________ Cash: ________
Prorated Dues $_______ Open Doors % _______ Join Fee Amount: $_______ Locker Fees: $_________
Join Fee Discount: Corp. Name _________________ Campaign __________________
Add’l Dependent Fees: _____________
Total Paid: $_________ Receipt # _________ Staff Initials: __________
Our Mission: Helping people reach their God-given potential in spirit, mind, and body.
A United Way Agency


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