Instructions For Form 5330 - Return Of Excise Taxes Related To Employee Benefit Plans Page 8


paid. An employee (who is not a
employer does not (1) establish or
1. Any person subject to liability for
5-percent owner) who has
maintain a qualified replacement plan
the tax did not know that the failure
compensation in excess of $90,000 is
following the plan termination or (2)
existed and exercised reasonable
not a highly compensated employee if
provides certain pro-rata benefit
diligence to meet the notice
the employer elects the top-paid group
increases in connection with the plan
requirement. A person is considered to
limitation and the employee is not a
termination. See section 4980(d)(1)(A)
have exercised reasonable diligence,
member of the top-paid group.
or (B) for more information.
but did not know the failure existed,
only if:
The “excess contributions” subject to
If you owe the section 4980 tax,
the section 4979 excise tax are equal to
a. The responsible person exercised
enter the date of the reversion on line
the amount by which employer
reasonable diligence in attempting to
34 and the reversion amount and
contributions actually paid over to the
deliver section 204(h), notice to
applicable excise tax rate on line 35. If
trust exceed the employer contributions
you use a tax percentage other than
applicable individuals by the latest date
that could have been made without
50%, explain on line 37 why you qualify
permitted. Generally, the section 204(h)
violating the special nondiscrimination
to use a rate other than 50%.
notice must be provided at least 45
requirements of section 401(k)(3).
days before the effective date the
Part XIV (Section 4980F)
The “excess aggregate
section 204(h) amendments take effect.
contributions” subject to the section
For exceptions to this rule see Treas.
Tax on Failure to Provide
4979 excise tax are equal to the
Reg. 54.4980F-1, Q&A 9.
amount by which the aggregate
Notice of Significant Reduction
b. At the latest date permitted for
matching contributions of the employer
in Future Accruals
delivery of section 204(h) notice, the
and the employee contributions (and
person reasonably believes that section
Section 4980F imposes on an employer
any qualified nonelective contribution or
204(h) notice was actually delivered to
(or, in the case of a multiemployer plan,
elective contribution taken into account
each applicable individual by that date.
the plan) an excise tax of $100 per day
in computing the contribution
per each applicable individual and each
2. Any person subject to liability for
percentage under section 401(m))
employee organization representing
the tax exercised reasonable diligence
actually made on behalf of the highly
participants who are applicable
to meet the notice requirement and
compensated employees for each plan
individuals for each day of the
corrects the failure within 30 days after
year exceed the maximum amount of
noncompliance period for the failure to
the employer (or other person
the contributions permitted in the
give notice of plan amendments that
responsible for the tax) knew, or
contribution percentage computation
provide for a significant reduction in the
under section 401(m)(2)(A).
exercising reasonable diligence would
rate of future benefit accrual or the
have known, that the failure existed.
However, there is no excise tax
elimination or significant reduction of an
liability if the excess contributions or the
If the person subject to liability for
early retirement benefit or
excess aggregate contributions and any
the excise tax exercised reasonable
retirement-type subsidy. This notice is
income earned on the contributions are
diligence to meet the notice
called “section 204(h) notice” because
distributed (or, if forfeitable, forfeited) to
requirement, the total excise tax
the same notice requirement appears at
the participants for whom the excess
section 204(h) of ERISA.
imposed during a taxable year of the
contributions were made within 2
employer will not exceed $500,000.
months after the end of the plan year.
An “applicable individual” is a
Furthermore, in the case of a failure
participant in the plan, or an alternate
due to reasonable cause and not to
Part XIII (Section 4980)
payee of a participant under a qualified
willful neglect, the Secretary of the
domestic relations order, whose rate of
Treasury is authorized to waive the
Tax on Reversion of Qualified
future benefit accrual (or early
excise tax to the extent that the
Plan Assets to an Employer
retirement benefit or retirement-type
payment of the tax would be excessive
subsidy) under the plan may
An employer reversion is the amount of
relative to the failure involved. See Rev.
reasonably be expected to be
cash and the fair market value of
Proc. 2003-4, 2003-1 I.R.B. 123 for
significantly reduced.
property received, directly, or indirectly
procedures to follow in applying for a
by an employer from a qualified plan.
Whether a participant or alternate
waiver of part or all of the excise tax
Reversions do not include any amount
payee is an applicable individual is
due to reasonable cause. You can find
distributed to or on behalf of any
determined on a typical business day
Rev. Proc. 2003-4 at
employee (or beneficiaries).
that is reasonably a proximate to the
If a defined benefit plan is
time the section 204(h) notice is
Line 41. A failure occurs on any day
terminated, and an amount in excess of
provided (or at the latest date for
25% of the maximum amount otherwise
that any applicable individual is not
providing section 204(h) notice, if
available for reversion is transferred
earlier), based on all relevant facts and
provided section 204(h) notice. For
from the terminating defined benefit
circumstances. For more information in
more information in determining
plan to a defined contribution plan, the
determining whether an individual is a
whether an individual is a participant or
amount transferred is not treated as an
participant or alternate payee see
alternate payee, see Treas. Reg.
employer reversion for purposes of
Treasury Regulations 54.4980F-1, Q&A
54.4980F-1, Q&A 10.
section 4980. However the amount the
employer receives is subject to the 20%
Example: There are 1000
The “noncompliance period” is the
excise tax. For additional information,
applicable individuals (AI). The plan
period beginning on the date the failure
see Revenue Ruling 2003-85, 2003 – 32
administrator fails to give section 204(h)
first occurs and ending on the date the
I.R.B 291.
notice to 100 applicable individuals for
notice of the failure is provided or the
60 days, and to 50 of those applicable
Section 4980. Include on lines 36 and
failure is corrected.
individuals for an additional 30 days. In
10a the section 4980 tax on employer
this case there are 7,500 failures ((100
Exceptions. Section 4980F excise
reversions from a qualified plan. The
AI x 60 days) + (50 AI x 30 days) =
tax will not be imposed for a failure
reversion excise tax is either 50% or
during any period in which:
20%. The excise tax rate is 50% if the


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