Instructions For Form 5330 - Return Of Excise Taxes Related To Employee Benefit Plans Page 6


4. Transfer to, or use by or for the
transaction on the first day of each
amount of tax due is $900 ($6,000
×15%). (Any interest and penalties
benefit of, a disqualified person of
succeeding tax year or portion of a
income or assets of a plan.
succeeding tax year which is within the
imposed for the delinquent filing of the
5. Act by a disqualified person who
“taxable period.” The taxable period is
Form 5330 for 2002 will be billed
is a fiduciary whereby he or she deals
the period of time beginning with the
separately to the disqualified person.)
with the income or assets of a plan in
date of the prohibited transaction and
The taxable period for the second
his or her own interest or account.
ending with the earliest of: (a) the date
prohibited transaction runs from
6. Receipt of any consideration for
correction is completed, (b) the date of
January 1, 2003, through December 31,
his or her own personal account by any
the mailing of a notice of deficiency, or
2003 (date of correction). Because
disqualified person who is a fiduciary
(c) the date on which the tax under
there are two prohibited transactions
from any party dealing with the plan
section 4975(a) is assessed. See the
with taxable periods running during
connected with a transaction involving
instruction for line 27 for the definition
2003, the section 4975(a) tax is due for
the income or assets of the plan.
of “correction.”
the 2003 taxable year for both
The following example of a
prohibited transactions. The excise tax
Exemptions. See sections 4975(d),
prohibited transaction does not cover all
to be reported on the Form 5330 filed
4975(f)(6)(B)(ii), and 4975(f)(6)(B)(iii)
types of prohibited transactions. For
for 2003 would include both the
for specific exemptions to prohibited
more examples, see Regulations
prohibited transaction of July 1, 2002,
transactions. Also see section
section 53.4941(e)-1(b)(4).
with an amount involved of $6,000,
4975(c)(2) for certain other transactions
resulting in a tax due of $900 ($6,000 ×
Example. A disqualified person
or classes of transactions that may be
15%) and the second prohibited
borrows money from a plan in a
transaction of January 1, 2003, with an
prohibited transaction under section
Line 26a. Check the box that best
amount involved of $12,000 (12 months
4975. The fair market value of the use
characterizes the prohibited transaction
× $1,000), resulting in a tax due of
of the money and the actual interest on
for which an excise tax is being paid. A
$1,800 ($12,000 × 15%). Complete line
the loan is $1,000 per month (the actual
prohibited transaction is discrete unless
26 of the Forms 5330 as shown in
interest is paid in this example). The
it is of an ongoing nature. Transactions
Figures 1 and 2.
loan was made on July 1, 2002, (date
involving the use of money (loans, etc.)
of transaction) and repaid on December
Note. When a loan from a qualified
or other property (rent, etc.) are of an
31, 2003 (date of correction). The
plan that is a prohibited transaction
ongoing nature and will be treated as a
disqualified person’s taxable year is the
spans successive taxable years, and
new prohibited transaction on the first
calendar year. On July 31, 2004, the
thus constitutes multiple prohibited
day of each succeeding tax year or part
disqualified person files a delinquent
transactions, and during those years
of a tax year that is within the taxable
Form 5330 for the 2002 plan year and a
the first tier prohibited transaction
timely Form 5330 for the 2003 plan
excise tax rate changes, the first tier
Line 26b, Column (a). List the date of
year. No Notice of Deficiency with
excise tax liability for each prohibited
all prohibited transactions that took
respect to the tax imposed by section
transaction is the sum of the products
place in connection with a particular
4975(a) has been mailed to the
resulting from multiplying the amount
plan during the current tax year. Also
disqualified person and no assessment
involved for each year in the taxable
list the date of all prohibited
of such tax has been made before the
period for that prohibited transaction by
transactions that took place in prior
time the disqualified person filed the
the excise tax rate in effect at the
years unless either the transaction was
Forms 5330.
beginning of that taxable period. For
corrected in a prior tax year or the
more information see Revenue Ruling
When a loan is a prohibited
section 4975(a) tax was assessed in
2002-43, 2002-28 I.R.B. 85. Unlike the
transaction, the loan is treated as giving
the prior tax year. A disqualified person
previous example, the example in Rev.
rise to a prohibited transaction on the
who engages in a prohibited transaction
Rul. 2002-43 contains unpaid interest.
date the transaction occurs, and an
must file a separate Form 5330 to
additional prohibited transaction on the
Line 27. To avoid liability for additional
report the excise tax due under section
first day of each succeeding taxable
taxes and penalties under section
4975 for each tax year.
year (or portion of a taxable year) within
4975, and in some cases further initial
Line 26b, Columns (c) and (d). The
the taxable period that begins on the
taxes, a correction of the prohibited
“amount involved” in a prohibited
date the loan occurs. Each prohibited
transaction must be made within the
transaction means the greater of the
transaction has its own separate
taxable period. The term correction is
amount of money and the fair market
taxable period which begins on the date
defined as undoing the prohibited
value of the other property given, or the
the prohibited transaction occurred or is
transaction to the extent possible, but in
amount of money and the fair market
deemed to occur and ends on the date
any case placing the plan in a financial
value of the other property received.
of the correction. The taxable period
position not worse than that in which it
However, for services described in
that begins on the date the loan occurs
would be if the disqualified person were
sections 4975(d)(2) and (10), the
runs from July 1, 2002 (date of loan)
acting under the highest fiduciary
“amount involved” only applies to
through December 31, 2003 (date of
excess compensation. Fair market
correction). Therefore, in this example,
value must be determined as of the
If the “No” box is checked on line 27,
there are two prohibited transactions,
date on which the prohibited transaction
there has not been a correction of ALL
the first occurring on July 1, 2002, and
occurs. If the use of money or other
of the prohibited transactions by the
the second occurring on January 1,
property is involved, the amount
end of the tax year for which this Form
involved is the greater of the amount
5330 is being filed. Attach a statement
Section 4975(a) imposes a 15%
paid for the use or the fair market value
indicating when correction has been or
excise tax on the amount involved for
of the use for the period for which the
will be made. Also, complete line 29,
each taxable year or part thereof in the
money or other property is used. In
Part IX, for each prohibited transaction
taxable period of each prohibited
addition, transactions involving the use
that has been corrected, if any, giving
of money or other property will be
the following information: (a) the
treated as giving rise to a prohibited
The amount involved to be reported
number of the transaction from Part VII;
transaction occurring on the date of the
on the Form 5330 filed for 2002 is
(b) the nature of the correction; and (c)
$6,000 (6 months × $1,000). The
actual transaction plus a new prohibited
the date of the correction.


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