Instructions For Form 5330 - Return Of Excise Taxes Related To Employee Benefit Plans Page 3


Item D. Name of plan. Enter the
Defined contribution plans
Part II (Section 4972)
formal name of the plan, group
exception. Employer contributions to
insurance arrangement, or enough
one or more defined contribution plans
Tax on Nondeductible
information to identify the plan. This
that are nondeductible because they
Employer Contributions to
should be the same name indicated on
exceed the combined plan deduction
Qualified Plans
the Form 5500 series return/report filed
limits of section 404(a)(7), are not
for the plan.
subject to the 10% excise tax to the
Section 4972 imposes an excise tax
extent the contributions do not exceed
on employers who make nondeductible
Item E. Plan sponsor’s EIN. Enter the
contributions to their qualified plans. A
the greater of:
nine-digit EIN assigned to the plan
“qualified plan” for purposes of this tax
6% of compensation (within the
sponsor. This should be the same
means any plan qualified under section
meaning of section 404(a) and as
number used to file the Form 5500
401(a), any annuity plan qualified under
adjusted under section 404(a)(12)) paid
series return/report.
section 403(a), and any simplified
or accrued (during the tax year in which
employee pension plan qualified under
Item F. Plan year ending. Plan year
the contributions were made) to
section 408(k) or 408(p). The term
means the calendar or fiscal year on
beneficiaries under plans, or
“qualified plan” does not include certain
which the records of the plan are kept.
The sum of the amount of
Enter four digits in year-month order.
governmental plans and certain plans
contributions described in sections
maintained by tax-exempt
This number assists the IRS in properly
401(m)(4)(A) and 402(g)(3)(A), or
identifying the plan and time period for
Contributions to a SIMPLE 401(k) or
which the Form 5330 is being filed. For
The nondeductible contributions are
a SIMPLE IRA that are considered
example, a plan year ended March 31,
computed as of the end of the
nondeductible because they are not
2003, should be shown as 0303.
employer’s tax year. The current year
made in connection with the employer’s
nondeductible contributions are equal
Item G. Plan number. Enter the
trade or business.
to the amount contributed during the
three-digit number that the employer or
The combined plan deduction limits
employer’s tax year over the amount of
plan administrator assigned to the plan.
are first applied to contributions to the
contributions allowable as a deduction
Filer’s signature. Please sign and
defined benefit plan then to defined
under section 404. In addition, prior
date the form. Also enter a daytime
contribution plan.
year nondeductible contributions
phone number where you can be
continue to be subject to this tax
annually until eliminated by either
Restorative payments to a defined
contribution plan are not considered
distributions to the employer of the
Preparer’s signature. Anyone who
amount of nondeductible contributions,
nondeductible contributions if the
prepares your return and does not
or a carryforward deduction in years
payments are made to restore some or
charge you should not sign your return.
after the nondeductible contributions
all of the plan’s losses due to an action
For example, a regular full-time
are made.
(or a failure to act) that creates a
employee or your business partner who
reasonable risk of liability for breach of
prepares the return should not sign.
Note. Although pre-1987
fiduciary duty. Amounts paid in excess
nondeductible contributions are not
Generally, anyone who is paid to
of the amount of the loss are not
subject to this excise tax, they are
prepare a return must sign it and fill in
considered restorative payments.
taken into account to determine the
the Paid Preparer’s Use Only area.
extent to which post-1986 contributions
are deductible. See section 4972 and
The paid preparer must complete the
Part III (Section 4973(a)(3))
Publication 560, Retirement Plans for
required preparer information and —
Small Business, for details.
Sign the return by hand, in the space
Tax on Excess Contributions to
provided for the preparer’s signature
Section 403(b)(7)(A) Custodial
Defined benefit plans exception.
(signature stamps and labels are not
Generally, contributions up to the
current unfunded liability of a defined
Give a copy of the return to the filer.
Line 14. Reduce total current year
benefit plan are deductible, regardless
contributions by any rollover
of the number of participants in the
Part I
contributions described in sections
plan. In addition, when determining the
403(b)(8) or 408(d)(3)(A).
amount of nondeductible contributions
Lines 12a through 12c. If you are
for any tax year, an employer may
filing an amended Form 5330 and you
Line 15. The amount you will enter on
elect, for that tax year, not to include
paid tax with your original return and
any contributions to a defined benefit
line 15 will depend on whether the
those taxes have the same due date as
excise tax is for a year prior to January
plan except to the extent they exceed
those previously reported, check the
1, 2002 or for a year after December
the full-funding limitation (as defined in
box in item H and enter the tax reported
31, 2001.
section 412(c)(7), determined without
on your original return in the entry
regard to section 412(c)(7)(A)(i)(I)).
space for line 12b. If you file Form 5330
When determining the amount of
for a claim for refund or credit, show the
Years Prior to January 1, 2002
nondeductible contributions, the
amount of overreported tax in
For years prior to January 1, 2002, the
deductible limits under section
parentheses on line 12c. Otherwise,
amount excludable for your tax year is
404(a)(7) must be applied first to
show the amount of additional tax due
the smaller of the maximum exclusion
contributions to defined contribution
on line 12c and include the payment
allowance (MEA) or the limit on annual
plans and then to contributions to
with the amended Form 5330.
additions (annual employer contribution
defined benefit plans. This election
limitation). Figure the amount to enter
Make your check or money order
applies to terminated and ongoing
on line 15 according to the following
payable to the “United States Treasury”
plans. An employer making this election
for the full amount due. Attach the
cannot also benefit from the exceptions
payment to your return. Write your
for terminating plans and for certain
Step 1. Figure your maximum
name, identifying number, and “Form
contributions to defined contribution
exclusion allowance using Table 1.
5330, Section ____” on your payment.
plans under section 4972(c)(6).


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