Overseas Student Health Cover - Claim Form Page 2


Claim form
Complete this section if you saw a doctor
Did you know?
or went to hospital
Direct Billing Medical Providers
Allianz Global Assistance
has an extensive network of medical
Have you had this or a related condition before?
providers around Australia – show your valid OSHC card and you do
If yes, please provide details (dates, name & address of treating
not have to make a claim. The bill is sent directly to
Allianz Global
doctors/s, treatment etc):
(some medical providers may charge a co-payment
which can not be claimed). Find your local Direct Billing Medical
Providers online at
Cash Claims
Our cash claims service is available on-campus at most major
Institutions. See your local Client Service Representative to process
claims under $105 and provide you with vouchers redeemable for
cash at Australia Post outlets. Check our website for details of times
and locations of Client Service Representatives.
Payment to Australian bank account by EFT
Online Services –
Visit our website to:
(Electronic Funds Transfer)
Submit online claims (be sure to send in your original receipts with
Please provide correct bank account details to ensure prompt payment
your claim number)
(only complete if you have already paid the account and have attached
Renew your policy
Order replacement membership cards
original tax invoices and receipts). If correct bank details are not
View our helpful information video
provided, a cheque will be sent to your Australian postal address.
Read health and wellbeing information
Name of financial institution:
24 Hour Emergency Helpline – 1800 814 781
Emergency access to medical, legal and interpreting services
Name of account holder:
Waiting Periods
BSB number (6 digits):
Under both Standard Cover and Essentials Cover, the waiting period
in relation to a pre-existing condition (other than a psychiatric
Account number (up to 9 digits):
pre-existing condition) is 12 months.
In addition:
Under Standard Cover, there is a waiting period of two months
for psychiatric pre-existing conditions and of 12 months for
I declare that all statements and particulars contained on this claim
pregnancy related conditions.
form are true and correct.
Under Essentials Cover, there is a waiting period for pregnancy
related conditions if your visa is of less than three months duration.
Allianz Global Assistance
I authorise
to contact the hospital or
All waiting periods commence from the later of the following:
provider of any service for further clarification of details relating to
(i) the date you (or your Dependant) arrived in Australia
this claim if necessary.
(as the case may be); or
(ii) if you are an onshore applicant who previously did not hold a
student visa, the date your student visa was granted.
You cannot claim for costs arising during the relevant waiting period
_ _ /_ _ /_ _ _ _
if such costs arise from a pre-existing condition, psychiatric condition
or pregnancy related condition as applicable. See your policy
document for further details in relation to waiting periods.
Office use only
Incident #:
Protection of your personal information
The information that you provide is collected for the purpose of issuing you with
OSHC insurance, determining any claims you may make on this policy (including
Allianz Global Assistance will endeavour to process your claim
complying with regulatory requirements in relation to OSHC). The information
within 10 working days of receiving a completed claim form and
may be disclosed to education providers, health fund providers, underwriters,
all original documents.
marketing and service provider intermediaries, government departments,
medical practitioners, claims assessors, investigators, medical assistance providers,
associated companies, hospitals and other international assistance providers in
the course of providing these services and managing your policy, including to the
Please return completed form to:
Department of Immigration and Citizenship in the event that receive a premium
refund for whatever reason or cancel your OSHC policy. By applying for this
Allianz Global Assistance OSHC
insurance you also agreed, in respect, of any claim, to allow us to provide details of
your cover and other information from any healthcare provider who provides you
Locked Bag 3001 Toowong QLD 4066
with treatment in order to process your claim.
13 OSHC (13 6742)
Allianz Global Assistance advises that the information will only be used for those
+61 7 3305 7009
purposes. If you would like to gain access to any of the information you have
provided, please contact Allianz Global Assistance.
Allianz Global Assistance Overseas Student Health Cover policies are authorised under a Deed entered into between Lysaght Peoplecare Limited and the Australian Government
through the Department of Health and Ageing. Allianz Global Assistance OSHC is managed by AGA Assistance Australia Pty Ltd ABN 52 097 227 177. Lysaght Peoplecare Limited
ABN 95 087 648 753, a private health insurer under the Private Health Insurance Act 2007 (Cth) is the underwriter of Allianz Global Assistance OSHC policies.


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