Instructions For Form 8804-W (Worksheet) - Installment Payments Of Section 1446 Tax For Partnerships - 2014 Page 4


on lines 31a through 31e, respectively. Do
line 33a, 33e, 33i, 33m, or 33q the de
under section 1(h) and Notice 97-59 must
not enter a negative number on lines 31a
minimis extraordinary items that the
be considered in determining the category
through 31e. See section 1(h) and Notice
partnership chooses to exclude from
of income the reduction amounts offset.
97-59, 1997-45 I.R.B. 7, for rules for
line 31a, 31b, 31c, 31d, or 31e,
Lines 33c, 33g, 33k, 33o, and
netting gains and losses.
respectively. See Extraordinary items,
Line 32—Annualization
Enter the reduction amounts resulting from
Enter on lines 33i, 33m, and 33q the
certified partner-level items received from
specified types of ECTI if the partner
Enter the annualization amounts for the
foreign partners using Form 8804-C. See
would be entitled to use a preferential rate
option used on line 30. For example, if the
Certification of Deductions and Losses in
on the income or gain (see Regulations
partnership elects Option 1, enter on
the Instructions for Forms 8804, 8805, and
section 1.1446-3(a)(2)).
line 32 the annualization amounts 6, 3,
8813 for additional information. The
1. Line 33i—See section 1(h)(4) and
1.71429, and 1.2, in columns (a) through
netting rules under section 1(h) and Notice
(d), respectively.
the instructions for line 18, Schedule D
97-59 must be considered in determining
(Form 1040), for more information
the category of income the reduction
regarding 28% rate gain.
amounts offset.
2. Line 33m—See section 1(h)(6) and
Part IV—Required
the instructions for line 19, Schedule D
Installments Under Part II
(Form 1040), for more information
regarding unrecaptured section 1250 gain.
and/or Part III
Option 1
3. Line 33q—Adjusted net capital gain
Line 38
Option 2
is net capital gain, as defined in section
1222(11), reduced (but not below zero) by
Before completing line 38 in columns (b)
the sum of (a) unrecaptured section 1250
Lines 33a, 33e, 33i, 33m, and
through (d), complete lines 39 through 43
gain and (b) 28% rate gain, plus qualified
in each of the preceding columns. For
dividend income. See section 1(h)(3).
example, complete lines 39 through 43 in
If the partnership has certain extraordinary
column (a) before completing line 38 in
Lines 33b, 33f, 33j, 33n, and 33r
items that total $1 million or more from a
column (b).
particular transaction, or a section 481(a)
Enter the reduction amounts for state and
Line 43—Required Installments
adjustment, special rules apply. Include
local taxes under Regulations section
these amounts on line 33a, 33e, 33i, 33m,
1.1446-6(c)(1)(iii). See Reductions for
For each installment, enter the smaller of
or 33q, depending upon the type of
State and Local Taxes in the Instructions
line 39 or line 42 on line 43. Also enter the
income against which the item applies, for
for Forms 8804, 8805, and 8813 for
result on line 11.
the appropriate period. Also include on
additional information. The netting rules
Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. Your use of this form is optional. It is provided to aid the partnership in determining its tax liability.
You are not required to provide the information requested on a form that is subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act unless the form
displays a valid OMB control number. Books or records relating to a form or its instructions must be retained as long as their contents
may become material in the administration of any Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax returns and return information are confidential,
as required by section 6103.
The time needed to complete this form will vary depending on individual circumstances. The estimated average time is:
Learning about the law or the
Preparing the form
8804-W, Part I
9 hr., 34 min.
47 min.
59 min.
8804-W, Part II
21 hr., 45 min.
12 min.
33 min.
8804-W, Part III
22 hr., 28 min.
6 min.
28 min.
8804-W, Part IV
5 hr., 58 min.
6 min.
12 min.
If you have comments concerning the accuracy of these time estimates or suggestions for making this form simpler, we would be
happy to hear from you. You can send us comments from Click on “More Information” and then on
“Comment on Tax Forms and Publications.” You can write to the Internal Revenue Service, Tax Forms and Publications,
SE:W:CAR:MP:TFP, 1111 Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526, Washington, DC 20224. Do not send the tax form to this office. Instead,
keep the form for your records.
Instructions for Form 8804-W (2014)


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