Instructions For Form 8804-W (Worksheet) - Installment Payments Of Section 1446 Tax For Partnerships - 2014 Page 3


Regulations section 1.6655-2(f)(3)(ii)(C))
average of 69%, 74%, and 67% is 70%,
Annualization Periods for Corporate
is treated as an extraordinary item
the base period percentage for May
Estimated Tax, on or before the due date
occurring on the first day of the tax year in
through October 2014 is 70%. Therefore,
of the first required installment payment.
which the item is taken into account in
the amusement park qualifies for the
Once made, the election is irrevocable for
determining ECTI.
adjusted seasonal installment method.
the particular tax year.
For more information regarding
Line 15
extraordinary items, see Regulations
If the partnership has certain extraordinary
section 1.6655-2(f)(3)(ii) and the
items, special rules apply. Do not include
examples in Regulations section
on line 15 the de minimis extraordinary
1.6655-2(f)(3)(vii). Also see Regulations
items that the partnership chooses to
section 1.6655-3(d)(3).
include on line 22b. See Extraordinary
Option 1
De minimis rule. Extraordinary items
items, earlier.
identified above resulting from a particular
Option 2
Line 22b
transaction that total less than $1 million
(other than a section 481(a) adjustment)
If the partnership has certain extraordinary
Line 31—ECTI Allocable to All
may be annualized using the general rules
items of $1 million or more from a
Foreign Partners
of Regulations section 1.6655-2(f), or, if
transaction, or a section 481(a)
the partnership chooses, may be taken
adjustment, special rules apply. Include
Enter on lines 31a through 31e the ECTI
into account after annualizing the ECTI for
these amounts on line 22b for the
allocable to all foreign partners for the
the annualization period.
appropriate period. Also, include on
months entered for each annualization
line 22b the de minimis extraordinary
period in columns (a) through (d) on
Part II—Adjusted Seasonal
items that the partnership chooses to
line 30. To determine the allocable share
Installment Method
exclude from line 15. See Extraordinary
of ECTI for all foreign partners, see
items, earlier.
Effectively Connected Taxable Income in
Note. Part II does not reflect the lower
the Instructions for Forms 8804, 8805, and
Line 23
preferential rates permitted under
Regulations section 1.1446-3(a)(2). These
Enter the reduction to the line 22c amount
were omitted because, for most taxpayers,
for state and local taxes under
If the partnership has certain
the income reported in Part II will be
Regulations section 1.1446-6(c)(1)(iii) and
extraordinary items, special rules apply.
predominantly (or exclusively) ordinary
for certified foreign partner-level items
Do not include on line 31a, 31b, 31c, 31d,
income. If the partnership wishes to
submitted under Regulations section
or 31e the de minimis extraordinary items
consider lower preferential rates for Part II
1.1446-6. See Certification of Deductions
that the partnership chooses to include on
(and if the requirements outlined in the
and Losses in the Instructions for Forms
line 33a, 33e, 33i, 33m, or 33q,
Note in the line 31 instructions are met), it
8804, 8805, and 8813 for additional
respectively. See Extraordinary items,
must attach a schedule which
appropriately expands lines 15 and 22
Line 25
Note. Enter on lines 31c through 31e the
through 25 to show the applicable special
specified types of ECTI (a) allocable to
types of income or gain and the applicable
The section 1446 applicable percentage is
those partners who would be entitled to
percentages (see, for example, lines 33
35% for all corporate partners, and the
use a preferential rate on such income or
and 34 of this schedule).
section 1446 applicable percentage is,
gain (see Regulations section 1.1446-3(a)
generally, 39.6% for all non-corporate
(2)) and (b) for whom the partnership has
Complete this part only if the
partners. However, if the partnership
sufficient documentation to meet the
partnership's base period percentage for
wishes to consider lower preferential rates
requirements of Regulations section
any 6 consecutive months of the tax year
for non-corporate partners, it must attach
equals or exceeds 70%. Figure the base
a schedule which appropriately expands
period percentage using the 6-month
A partner may be entitled to use a
line 25a to show the applicable special
period in which the partnership normally
preferential rate on the following types of
types of income or gain and the applicable
receives the largest part of its ECTI. The
percentages (see, for example, lines 33
income or gain.
base period percentage for any period of 6
and 34 of this Form 8804-W).
1. Line 31c—See section 1(h)(4) and
consecutive months is the average of the
the instructions for line 18, Schedule D
Part III—Annualized
three percentages figured by dividing the
(Form 1040), for more information
ECTI for the corresponding
Income Installment
regarding 28% rate gain.
6-consecutive-month period in each of the
2. Line 31d—See section 1(h)(6) and
3 preceding tax years by the ECTI for
the instructions for line 19, Schedule D
each of their respective tax years.
Line 30—Annualization Periods
(Form 1040), for more information
Example. An amusement park with a
regarding unrecaptured section 1250 gain.
Enter in the space on line 30, columns (a)
calendar year as its tax year receives the
3. Line 31e—Adjusted net capital gain
through (d), respectively, the annualization
largest part of its ECTI during a 6-month
is net capital gain, as defined in section
periods that the partnership is using,
period, May through October. To compute
1222(11), reduced (but not below zero) by
based on the options listed below. For
its base period percentage for this
the sum of (a) unrecaptured section 1250
example, if the partnership elects Option
6-month period, the amusement park
1, enter on line 30 the annualization
gain and (b) 28% rate gain, plus qualified
figures its ECTI for each May–October
dividend income. See section 1(h)(3).
periods 2, 4, 7, and 10, in columns (a)
period in 2011, 2012, and 2013. It then
through (d), respectively.
divides the ECTI for each May–October
If the partnership has net ordinary loss,
period by the total ECTI for that particular
net short-term capital loss, or net 28% rate
Use Option 1 or Option 2 only if
tax year. The resulting percentages are
loss, each net loss should be netted
the partnership elected to use
69% (.69) for May–October 2011, 74%
against the appropriate categories of
one of these options by filing
(.74) for May–October 2012, and 67%
income and gain to determine the
Form 8842, Election To Use Different
(.67) for May–October 2013. Because the
amounts of income and gain to be entered
Instructions for Form 8804-W (2014)


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