Instructions For Form 6198 - At-Risk Limitations - 2003 Page 4


1. Net fair market value (FMV) of
qualified nonrecourse financing
If the activity began on or after
property you own (not used in the
(defined on page 1) used to finance
one of the effective dates shown
activity) that secures nonrecourse
the activity, to acquire property used
below and you did not complete
loans used to finance the activity, to
in the activity, or to acquire your
Part III of Form 6198 for this activity
acquire property used in the activity,
interest in the activity. Only amounts
for 2002, skip lines 11 through 14.
or to acquire your interest in the
included on line 6 can be entered on
Enter zero on line 15 and complete
activity. Include the nonrecourse
line 9.
the rest of Part III.
loans on line 9. Generally, the net
2. Cash, property, or borrowed
Effective Dates
FMV is determined when the property
amounts protected against loss by a
is pledged as security for the loan.
guarantee, stop-loss agreement, or
Generally, the effective date is the
other similar arrangement. Enter this
first day of the first tax year beginning
Do not enter the net FMV if (a) the
amount only if it was included on line
after 1975 if the activity is described
nonrecourse loan was from a person
6. Do not include items covered by
in 1 through 4 under At-Risk
who has an interest in the activity
casualty insurance or insurance
Activities on page 1.
other than as a creditor or who is
against tort liability.
related under section 465(b)(3)(C) to
If the activity is described in 5
3. Amounts borrowed from a
a person (except you) having such an
under At-Risk Activities on page 1,
person who has an interest in the
interest and (b) the activity is
the effective date is usually October
activity other than as a creditor or
described in 1 through 5 under
1, 1978, for wells started after
who is related under
At-Risk Activities on page 1.
September 30, 1978. Generally, a
section 465(b)(3)(C) to a person
However, (a) does not apply to an
well started before October 1, 1978,
(except you) having such an interest.
interest of a shareholder in the case
is not subject to the at-risk rules.
This does not apply to an interest of a
of amounts borrowed by a
The activity of holding real property
shareholder in the case of amounts
corporation from the shareholder.
is subject to the at-risk rules for
borrowed by a corporation from the
See Pub. 925 for definitions. If the
property placed in service after 1986,
shareholder. Enter these amounts
activity is described in 6 under
and for an interest acquired after
only if they were included on line 6
At-Risk Activities on page 1, you
1986 in an S corporation, partnership,
and not included under 1 or 2 above.
can include these amounts.
or other pass-through entity engaged
This applies only to activities
2. Cash and the adjusted basis of
in an activity of holding real property.
described in 1 through 5 under
other property (determined at the time
An activity of holding real property
At-Risk Activities on page 1. See
of the contribution) contributed to the
does not include the holding of
Pub. 925 for definitions and more
activity during the tax year. However,
mineral property. Holding mineral
if you used your own assets to repay
property may be subject to at-risk
4. Withdrawals and distributions
a nonrecourse debt and you included
limitations other than the special rules
during the tax year — both cash and
an amount in 1 above, the amount
that apply to activities of holding real
the adjusted basis of noncash items
included as repayments cannot be
(less nonrecourse liabilities to which
more than the amount by which the
the noncash items are subject) —
balance of the loan at the time of
In most cases, the effective date
including assets used in the activity to
repayment exceeds the net FMV of
for all other at-risk activities is the first
repay certain debts.
property you own (not used in the
day of the first tax year beginning
5. Nonrecourse liabilities included
activity) that secures the debt.
after 1978.
3. Loans used to finance the
on line 6 of property you contributed
If you are a partner or an S
activity, to acquire property used in
to the activity.
corporation shareholder, the date you
the activity, or to acquire your interest
became a partner or shareholder may
in the activity for which you are
Line 10b
determine whether you are subject to
personally liable, and qualified
the at-risk rules.
nonrecourse financing (defined on
Amount At Risk
page 1). Do not enter amounts
Line 11
If the amount on this line is smaller
included in 2 above or on line 6.
than your overall loss from the activity
4. Percentage depletion for this
Investment in the Activity at the
(line 5), you may want to complete
year deducted in excess of the
Effective Date
Part III to see if Part III gives you a
adjusted basis of depletable property
larger amount at risk.
Taxpayers other than partners or
for the activity.
S corporation shareholders. Use
Note: If the amount on line 10b is
the Line 11 Worksheet and its
Line 9
zero, you may be subject to the
instructions on page 5 to figure your
recapture rules. See Pub. 925.
investment in the activity at the
Decreases for the Tax Year
effective date. Enter all amounts as of
Do not include the current year
Part III—Detailed
the effective date.
deductions or losses shown on
Computation of Amount
Partners and S corporation
lines 1 through 4.
shareholders. Enter on line 11 the
At Risk
Include changes during the current
basis of your investment in the
tax year in amounts that decrease
If you completed Part III of Form 6198
partnership or S corporation at the
your amount at risk, such as the
for this activity for 2002, skip lines 11
effective date. If the partnership or S
through 14. Then, see the instructions
corporation is engaged in both at-risk
1. Nonrecourse loans (including
for lines 15,16, and 18 that begin on
and not-at-risk activities, allocate your
recourse loans changed to
page 6 to determine the amounts to
investment between the at-risk and
nonrecourse loans) other than
enter on those lines.
not-at-risk activities. Enter the part


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