Performance And Accountability Report - Fiscal Year 2013 - Federal Aviation Administration - U.s. Department Of Transportation Page 74


across the national airspace system. While the transfer of funding allowed us to discontinue the furloughs, as a consequence
the airports that would have received those grants are unable to use the funds for infrastructure improvements.
Despite the substantial funding challenges that we faced, we kept our focus on operating a safe and efficient airspace system.
We also continued to make progress on our transition to NextGen; more than 90 percent of our major system investments are
still within 10 percent of their cost and schedule baselines. We exhibited strong fiscal and resource management by managing
through the sequester. And we also succeeded in keeping our commitment to provide comprehensive fiscal and performance
information, as we achieved an unmodified audit opinion with no material weaknesses on our FY 2013 financial statements.
In addition, we were recognized with the distinguished Certificate in Excellence in Accountability Reporting award, given by
the Association of Government Accountants for our 2012 Performance and Accountability Report. This was the ninth year that
we have been a recipient of this award. We also received a “Best in Class” award for editorial excellence—presenting our
financial and performance results in an informative, understandable, and transparent way.
Moving Forward
In the near term, we will build on the progress we’ve made in FY 2013. But a long-term unstable budget environment is
unsustainable. The inefficiencies that derive from the continued fiscal uncertainty manifest themselves in start-and-stop
operations that frustrate our customers, our stakeholders, and our employees. Given our critical role of operating the largest
and most complex airspace in the world, budget uncertainty is not sustainable. Our economy, our customers, and the American
public deserve a stable and safe aviation system.
Despite the funding situation, our dedicated team responded to this year’s substantial challenges with skill and
professionalism. It is an honor and a privilege to be working with such a talented and dedicated workforce that does
everything it can each day to keep the aviation system operating safely and efficiently. We are proud of our accomplishments
and look forward to continuing to serve the public as cost-effective stewards of their investments. The American people
deserve no less.
Mark House
Chief Financial Officer
December 9, 2013
Federal Aviation Administration
Fiscal Year 2013
Performance and Accountability Report


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