Performance And Accountability Report - Fiscal Year 2013 - Federal Aviation Administration - U.s. Department Of Transportation Page 71


Program evaluation is a major requirement of the Government
Performance and Results Modernization Act of 2010. The statute
We employ strong management controls to ensure the accuracy,
calls for agencies to use program evaluations to assess the
completeness, and timely reporting of performance data. Thanks
manner and extent to which federal programs achieve intended
to rigorous internal and external reviews, the FAA verification
objectives. While performance measures use statistics to show
and validation process produces performance results that enjoy
whether the FAA has achieved its intended outcomes, program
the confidence of agency managers and the Administrator.
evaluations use analytical techniques to assess the extent to
In addition to internal verification and review by the FAA,
which programs contributed to their desired outcomes and
performance data is independently verified by the Department
trends. Understanding the results of these program evaluations
of Transportation. Moreover, data for the incidents that are
enables us to initiate actions to improve program performance.
included in several FAA safety performance measures, such as
Program evaluations or assessments are conducted by
the Commercial Air Carrier Fatality Rate and the General Aviation
contractors, academic institutions, the OIG, and the GAO.
Fatal Accident Rate, require independent verification by the
In FY 2013, the FAA’s Office of Airports completed a program
NTSB and the Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Data for these
evaluation of the environmental streamlining process
measures are not considered final until the NTSB completes its
implemented by the FAA in response to Title III of the Vision
report on each incident.
100—Century of Aviation Reauthorization Act. Title III calls for
prioritization of certain airport capacity, airport safety, and airport
security projects for expedited and coordinated environmental
review in compliance with the National Environmental Policy
Act of 1969. Following FAA approval of an evaluation plan, the
The agency’s internal review processes support the integrity
evaluation was conducted independently by a firm with expertise
of performance data. At the beginning of each fiscal year, we
in environmental streamlining.
update the performance measure profiles, a clearinghouse
The evaluation concluded that the FAA’s environmental
for accurate and detailed documentation of our performance
streamlining process has resulted in the successful prioritization
measures. An exhaustive report includes technical definitions
of key airport projects. These actions have included successful
for each measure, as well as data source information, statistical
stakeholder coordination and an excellent public involvement
issues, and completeness and reliability statements. Where the
process. The evaluation also highlighted several opportunities
criteria for targets have changed, it is noted and the changes
for improvement. This resulted in 17 recommendations that could
are explained (see
improve Vision 100 environmental streamlining. Four of these
performance_profiles to review the FY 2013 Performance
are best practices from other modal administrations that could
Measure Profiles).
be successfully applied to the FAA’s streamlined environmental
To supplement the performance measure profiles, the agency
reviews. In FY 2014, the FAA will evaluate the recommendations,
conducts its own annual internal review of the verification
and identify and implement any actions that could improve the
processes used by all FAA organizations responsible for
collecting and reporting performance data. The agency’s full
understanding of these processes allows it to provide complete
and definitive documentation of results, as required by auditors
at the end of the year.
Federal Aviation Administration
Fiscal Year 2013
Performance and Accountability Report


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