Performance And Accountability Report - Fiscal Year 2013 - Federal Aviation Administration - U.s. Department Of Transportation Page 62


Major System Investments
2, or 3, and are considered major investments. The FAA tracks
Maintain 90 percent of major system investments within 10
and reports the status of each program’s acquisition program
percent variance of current acquisition program baseline
at completion.
baseline, using an automated database. The data are used to
convey program status and performance information to senior
FY 2013
90 percent of major baselined acquisition programs
must be maintained within 10 percent of their current
executives for purposes of program reporting and periodic
acquisition cost, schedule and technical performance
baseline as of the end of fiscal year 2013.
FY 2013
Choosing to report on this measure ensures continuity
and consistency with the Air Traffic Management System
FAA’s ability to keep acquisitions within budget, schedule
Performance Improvement Act of 1996. This act requires the
and performance will allow for a timely transition to
FAA Administrator to terminate programs that are funded
NextGen programs. The transition to NextGen involves
from Facilities and Equipment appropriations and that have
acquiring numerous systems to support precision satellite
navigation; digital, networked communications; integrated
variances of 50 percent or greater for cost, schedule, or
weather information; layered, adaptive security; and more.
technical performance, unless the Administrator determines
that termination would be inconsistent with the development or
operation of the national airspace system in a safe and efficient
This target measures the FAA’s ability to stay within a 10 percent
manner. In addition, the law requires the FAA Administrator to
variance of its budget, schedule, and technical performance with
consider terminating any substantial acquisition that has cost,
regard to major system investments in support of the ongoing
schedule, or performance variances of 10 percent or greater.
transition to NextGen, a comprehensive overhaul of our nation’s
airspace system to make air travel more convenient, dependable
In FY 2013, we were unable to meet the targets for two
and safe. It involves the acquisition of numerous systems, tools,
programs: Runway Status Lights and Logistics Center Support
and pieces of equipment to support precision-based satellite
System. We did, however, achieve the overall target by
navigation, networked digital communications, integrated
maintaining 90 percent of the major system investments being
weather information, and improved security. Our ability to make
tracked (18 of 20 programs) within 10 percent variance of their
the relevant major system investments in an efficient and cost-
approved acquisition program baseline total budget, schedule,
effective manner is critical to the implementation of NextGen.
and technical performance at completion.
The FAA has established acquisition categories (ACATs) within
the Acquisition Management System that governs major system
Major System Investments
Maintain 90 percent of major system investments within baseline
investments. Within these categories, the following criteria
are applied to determine the ACAT level of each acquisition:
FY 2011
FY 2012
FY 2013
1) lifecycle costs and annual costs; 2) political sensitivity; 3) risk
This was a new
level; 4) complexity; and 5) likelihood of changes in the safety of
measure in
the nation’s airspace. Programs that have lifecycle costs greater
FY 2012
than $100 million or that are classified with a medium or high
rating in any of the criteria are assigned an ACAT level of 1,
Federal Aviation Administration
Fiscal Year 2013
Performance and Accountability Report


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