Performance And Accountability Report - Fiscal Year 2013 - Federal Aviation Administration - U.s. Department Of Transportation Page 48


Cockpit simulator. Photo: FAA
operations, and safety management systems as required by Part
While our achievements have brought aviation to an
121. In response to the Modernization and Reform Act, we have
unprecedented level of safety, identified sources of risk within
begun new rulemaking projects to prohibit the personal use
aviation show us the way to move forward to the next level of
of portable electronic devices on the flight deck, further revise
safety. Thus, our work with stakeholders to stimulate cooperation
flight and duty regulations, and study the use of cell phones
in the open reporting of safety concerns is critical to our ability
on passenger aircraft. Additionally, we started a rulemaking
to further improve safety. In a system dependent upon voluntary
project to enhance simulator qualification standards for stall
reporting, each member of the aviation community plays a vital
and upset recovery. We also issued revised guidance on Fatigue
role in ensuring that we continue to have the safest airspace
Risk Management Systems, Airline Transport Pilot certification
system in the world.
training, and autorotation training.
Federal Aviation Administration
Fiscal Year 2013
Performance and Accountability Report


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