Performance And Accountability Report - Fiscal Year 2013 - Federal Aviation Administration - U.s. Department Of Transportation Page 45


In this section, we discuss our progress in achieving our 14
data in the Fiscal Year 2014 Performance and Accountability
performance measures. The measures are organized by strategic
Report (PAR). We have noted the measures for which the data
goal and objective. Our agency has five overarching strategic
provided are preliminary. Finally, in this FY 2013 PAR, we provide
FY 2012 performance results for the two performance measures
(FAA Ratings and Outside Ratings) for which end-of-year data
Next Level of Safety
(page 44)
were unavailable when the FY 2012 PAR was published.
Workplace of Choice
(page 54)
Delivering Aviation Access through Innovation
Although in some cases the FAA achieved a result significantly
(page 57)
better than the target, the FAA did not set the new fiscal year’s
target to reflect the prior year’s result. Annual performance
Sustaining our Future
(page 62)
is subject to greater variability than long-term performance.
Improved Global Performance through Collaboration
Over time, short-term trends tend to balance out and provide a
(page 66)
more accurate picture of the agency’s long-term performance.
We provide the FY 2013 target, a discussion of our FY 2013
Moreover, some annual targets are baselined using data acquired
performance, and, when available, five years of historical trend
over a multi-year period. The target has been set to measure the
data. We have also prepared a graph of performance measures
FAA’s performance toward a long-term goal.
with three or more years of data.
Our Performance Section concludes on page 69 with
In FY 2013, we achieved 8 of the 12 performance targets for
discussions of the ways in which our performance data are
which we had end-of-year data. Two performance measures
verified; the completeness and reliability of our performance
(FAA Ratings and Outside Ratings) did not have any data results
data; and a program evaluation completed by the Office of
available at the time of this publication. We will report these
Airports in FY 2013.
Top: Pilots in cockpit. Photo: .
Cargo compartment smoke-detection testing. Photo: FAA.
Bottom: Flight attendant demonstrating use of oxygen mask.
Photo: .
Federal Aviation Administration
Fiscal Year 2013
Performance and Accountability Report


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