Performance And Accountability Report - Fiscal Year 2013 - Federal Aviation Administration - U.s. Department Of Transportation Page 26


seven years. As our strategic management processes continue
all workplace measures and performance results for FY 2012, as
to mature and the focus becomes sharper, the number and mix of
well as next steps, see page 54.
performance targets will shift. This plan is reviewed on a yearly
Delivering Aviation Access through Innovation.
Our goal is
basis to ensure that we are on track to meet future challenges.
to enhance the experience of the traveling public and other users
by improving access to and increasing the capacity of the nation’s
aviation system. We will ensure that airport and airspace
capacity are matched to public needs and are more efficient,
When we began reporting against Destination 2025 goals in
predictable, and cost-effective.
FY 2012, we streamlined and thereby reduced the number of
performance measures supporting our strategic goals from
In FY 2013, we met one of three aviation access measures. For a
31 to 14. These are the same measures we report on in the
more complete discussion of these measures and performance
FY 2013 PAR. We also continue to track other detailed measures
results for FY 2013, as well as next steps, see page 57.
internally. As part of our work monitoring, we report on the
Sustaining Our Future.
Our goal is to develop and operate
status of all measures in our monthly performance meetings and
an aviation system that is a model of sustainability: reducing
on our monthly performance scorecards.
aviation’s environmental and energy impacts, yet not constraining
growth. In FY 2013, we met one of our two environmental goals.
Strategic Goals
For a complete discussion of all sustainability measures and
Our strategic goals are:
performance results for FY 2013, as well as next steps, see
page 62.
Next Level of Safety
Workplace of Choice
Improved Global Performance through Collaboration.
goal is to achieve enhanced safety, efficiency, and sustainability
Delivering Aviation Access through Innovation
of aviation world-wide. We aim to provide leadership in
Sustaining Our Future
collaborative standard-setting and help with the creation of a
Improved Global Performance through Collaboration.
seamless global aviation system. In FY 2013, we met our one
global performance goal. For a complete discussion of this global
Next Level of Safety.
Achieving the lowest possible accident
performance measure and performance result for FY 2013, as
rate and always striving to improve safety ensure the highest
well as next steps, see page 66.
possible level of safety for the public.
In FY 2013, we met five of six safety goals, missing our target
for General Aviation Fatal Accident Rate. For a more complete
discussion of all safety measures and performance results for
FY 2013, as well as next steps, see page 44.
Workplace of Choice.
FAA employees are our most valuable
resource. We aim to create a workplace of choice marked
by integrity, fairness, diversity, accountability, safety, and
innovation. Our workforce will have the skills, abilities, and
support systems needed to achieve and sustain NextGen.
We operate the largest and safest aerospace system in the
world. To do this efficiently, we must continually strive for
stronger leadership, a better-trained and more safety-conscious
workforce, and improved decision-making. We will not have the
FY 2013 results for the two workplace of choice performance
measures until early FY 2014. For a more detailed discussion of
Aviation meteorologists studying weather patterns to provide
information for planning safe and efficient flight routes. Photo: FAA.
Federal Aviation Administration
Fiscal Year 2013
Performance and Accountability Report


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