Performance And Accountability Report - Fiscal Year 2013 - Federal Aviation Administration - U.s. Department Of Transportation Page 22


The nation’s impressive safety record is in part due to an
(ASIAS) Executive Board, will help determine if an accident is a
unwavering commitment by government and industry to work
unique event or an indication of systemic risks.
together to monitor data and identify trends to prevent accidents.
ASIAS uses aggregate, protected data from industry and
More than 90 percent of air carriers use voluntary reporting
government voluntary reporting programs, without identifying
programs to report trend data. The data are shared with the FAA
the source of the data, to proactively find safety issues,
to help identify trends. This data-sharing has led to significant
identify safety enhancements, and measure the effectiveness
safety improvements in training, operations, and maintenance.
of solutions. Begun in 2007, ASIAS now has 44 members and
The information, which will now be shared with the NTSB
receives voluntary data representing 95 percent of all commercial
through the Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing
air carrier operations. It connects 131 data and information
General Aviation (GA) refers to flights not conducted by the regularly
phases of flight, including precision approaches to airports.
scheduled airlines or the military. GA aircraft include gliders,
GPS signal errors are caused by such things as atmospheric
helicopters, air taxis, and small, privately-owned planes, as well
disturbances, clock drift, and errors in satellite orbit. Tens of
as high-performance business jets. GA aircraft also provide aerial
thousands of GA aircraft are already equipped with WAAS
firefighting, disaster relief, aeromedical rescue, law enforcement,
rush-hour traffic monitoring, and access to remote communities.
Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance (LPV). LPV
approach procedures enable pilots of WAAS-equipped aircraft to
Most of the world’s air traffic is GA traffic, including in the United
descend to as low as 200 feet in poor weather before having to
States, where some 3,700 airports are used primarily by GA aircraft,
see the runway. The availability of LPVs has improved safety and
while scheduled commercial flights operate from approximately
access at more than 1,500 small and medium-sized airports used
378 primary airports. GA activities and products are vital to the
by GA.
U.S. economy. They generate more than one percent of our gross
Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B).
domestic product and account for some 1.3 million professional
ADS-B enhances safety by making an aircraft’s position visible,
services and manufacturing jobs. General aviation is also a principal
in real time, to air traffic controllers and to other appropriately
training ground for commercial airline pilots.
equipped ADS-B aircraft. The ADS-B Traffic Advisory System
Five-Year Safety Plan for GA
(ATAS) is being developed for the GA community, to provide traffic
Because the fatal accident rate has been slow to improve,
situational awareness for small aircraft to use while en route and
the FAA has undertaken a five-year plan to improve GA
when landing at small airports.
safety. Recommendations are forthcoming on improving the
aeronautical training and testing materials used for GA pilot
and instructor certification. And in July, recommendations came
out for streamlining the GA aircraft certification process, so that
manufacturers can incorporate safety improvements in new planes
more easily and inexpensively. The recommendations will also
facilitate upgrades to the existing GA fleet and provide greater
flexibility to incorporate future technological advances.
GA and NextGen
NextGen, which transitions the national airspace to satellite-based
navigation, offers technology and procedures especially conducive
to GA safety:
Wide-Area Augmentation System (WAAS). WAAS improves
the accuracy, integrity, and availability of Global Positioning
System (GPS) signals, enabling aircraft to rely on GPS for all
Small business aircraft at an airport. Photo: FAA.
Federal Aviation Administration
Fiscal Year 2013
Performance and Accountability Report


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