Performance And Accountability Report - Fiscal Year 2013 - Federal Aviation Administration - U.s. Department Of Transportation Page 20


complete deployment of 642 ADS-B ground radio stations
gains. PBN helps reduce fuel burn and emissions through more
in FY 2014. As more aircraft equip with ADS-B receivers, we will
continuous climbs and descents that eliminate the need for
be able to realize its benefits more fully throughout the national
gradually “stepping up” to ascend or gradually “stepping down”
airspace system.
to descend. The FAA is supporting the use of PBN to provide
greater flexibility in the management of air traffic. This year, the
FAA produced 677 PBN routes and procedures.
Performance-Based Navigation (PBN)
Another cornerstone of NextGen is PBN. It allows for navigation
In May 2013, we launched the PBN Dashboard at
routes and procedures that use the satellite-based global
gov/nextgen/pbn/dashboard. The website provides PBN
positioning system (GPS) to determine and share precise aircraft
implementation and usage statistics for all major airports in
location information.
the national airspace system that have had PBN procedures
published for them. The data is captured on a periodic basis and
PBN routes and instrument procedures enable aircraft to fly
displayed in an easy-to-interpret format for interested parties.
more direct routes, thereby increasing efficiency and capacity
NextGen transformations are not the only major innovation in the
in humanitarian search and rescue operations, such as finding
offing at the FAA. In the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of
stranded climbers or a missing child.
2012 (FMRA), Congress directed the agency to integrate Unmanned
In February 2013, in accordance with the requirements of FMRA, the
Aircraft Systems (UAS) into the evolving national airspace safely and
FAA kicked off a process to select six test sites to conduct research
efficiently by 2015.
and development to assist in the integration of UAS into the national
UAS are unmanned vehicles that can be the size of toy aircraft and
airspace system. To address public concerns about privacy related
fly at low altitudes, or have the equivalent wingspan of a Boeing 737
to the UAS test sites, the FAA held a public engagement session in
and fly above 60,000 feet. For many UAS operations, an observer
April to help determine the required privacy approach for the test
on the ground or an accompanying manned “chase” aircraft is
sites. The final, approved privacy approach will be included in the
contractual agreement between the FAA and test site operators. In
required to maintain visual contact with the UAS vehicle at all times,
providing the pilot-in-command who is controlling the UAS with
addition, the agency is consulting with other government agencies
“sense and avoid” capabilities in relation to other aircraft.
about the privacy policies that will shape UAS implementation more
broadly beyond UAS test sites.
UAS have been deployed mainly for “public interest” military and
border patrol purposes since 1990. But in July 2013, for the first time,
(Editorial note: On November 7, 2013, the FAA published the UAS
the FAA certified two small UAS for commercial use.
Roadmap, Comprehensive Plan, and Final Privacy Policy for the UAS
Test Sites. All three may be found at
These initial commercial UAS operations in Arctic locations will be
cost effective and environmentally friendly, and because of the lack
of dense air traffic, they will reduce the risk to manned aviation. The
Scan Eagle, manufactured by Boeing subsidiary Insitu, will survey
ocean ice floes and migrating whales in Arctic oil exploration areas.
AeroVironment’s PUMA will support emergency response crews in
oil-spill monitoring and wildlife surveillance over the Beaufort Sea.
UAS are less expensive to operate than manned aircraft and may
be used for a wide variety of purposes, including monitoring natural
disasters, such as forest fires; tracking dangerous weather patterns,
such as hurricanes; conducting crop monitoring; performing scientific
research for National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), as
well as for universities; supporting law enforcement; and assisting
NASA’s Global Hawk UAS aircraft flies above the equatorial Pacific, collecting
data that will help researchers identify how changes in humidity in the upper
atmosphere may affect climate. Photo: NASA, March 2013.
Federal Aviation Administration
Fiscal Year 2013
Performance and Accountability Report


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