Performance And Accountability Report - Fiscal Year 2013 - Federal Aviation Administration - U.s. Department Of Transportation Page 16


The Next Generation Air Transportation System, called NextGen—mandated
by Congress in its 2003 reauthorization of the FAA—is in the midst of
transforming our nation’s airspace system by increasing safety, saving time,
and reducing fuel use and environmentally undesirable emissions, all while
fostering the flow of commerce. Our latest estimates for the benefits to
aviation efficiency indicate that by 2020, NextGen improvements will reduce
current delays by 41 percent.
The movement to NextGen is being enabled by a shift to smarter satellite-
based and digital technologies and new procedures. NextGen is already
being deployed and used today. Three main NextGen areas that have seen
steady advances are infrastructure, controller decision support tools, and
performance-based navigation.
Automatic Dependent Surveillance—Broadcast
(Next-Generation Radar), winds aloft, and pilot reports. FIS-B also
includes information on temporary flight restrictions and airspace
Although NextGen is fundamentally satellite-based, its ADS-B
reserved for special use.
program works with a network of ground-based stations. This fiscal
Data Communications (Data Comm)
year has seen a steady increase in deployment of these stations.
Data Comm will add a digital data exchange capability to air-to-
As of October 2013, the FAA had installed more than 578 ADS-B
ground communications, enhancing safety by reducing potential
ground stations, of which 550 were operational. Ground stations
errors in voice transmission. Controllers will still talk to pilots,
help provide traffic and weather information both directly to aircraft
but the need to talk will be reduced by the ability to exchange
equipped with ADS-B technology and to air traffic control separation
digital messages. With Data Comm, controllers will be able to
services at 45 Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON) facilities
push a button and send routine information—such as clearances,
and 11 en route facilities across the country.
instructions, and advisories—to many pilots at the same time.
A great benefit of ADS-B then is that it can provide precise aircraft
Flight crews will be able to transmit requests this way too. With
location information not only to controllers, but directly to pilots’
this capability, radio frequency congestion will be reduced and
instrument panels. In the future, aircraft equipped with the now
controllers will safely be able to handle more traffic. Data Comm is
optional ADS-B In reception capability—in addition to the currently
expected to reduce flight times by improving traffic flow.
mandated ADS-B Out transmission capability—will be able to “see”
Through active collaboration and agreements with multiple air
the location of nearby ADS-B Out-equipped aircraft via air-to-air
carriers, the FAA has already started field testing a major component
reception or by relay from the ground. In addition, ADS-B In can
of Data Comm at Memphis International Airport and Newark Liberty
display the location of aircraft equipped solely with transponders,
International Airport.
even if they lack ADS-B Out technology, thus providing fully
equipped pilots with awareness of all nearby aircraft.
En Route Automation Modernization (ERAM)
ADS-B In is also providing another service to equipped operators
ERAM is the new automation platform for the centers which control
in the airspace where it is operational: Flight Information
high-altitude traffic, allowing faster processing of route requests
System-Broadcast (FIS-B). The FIS-B data stream is packed with
and in-flight route changes. ERAM deployment is nearly complete,
information from the National Weather Service, including NEXRAD
Federal Aviation Administration
Fiscal Year 2013
Performance and Accountability Report


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