Performance And Accountability Report - Fiscal Year 2013 - Federal Aviation Administration - U.s. Department Of Transportation Page 15


operations. The streamlining of agency functions enables us
NextGen (ANG).
The NextGen Office provides leadership
to be more responsible stewards of FAA resources. AFN is
in planning and developing the Next Generation Air
comprised of the following offices:
Transportation System. This office coordinates NextGen
initiatives, programs and policy development across the FAA.
Financial Services
Technical Center.
The William J. Hughes Technical
Acquisitions and Business Services
Center, located in Atlantic City, NJ, supports the NextGen
Information Services
office and serves as the national scientific test base
Regions and Center Operations
for the FAA. The Technical Center focuses on research
and development, including long-range development of
Aeronautical Center.
The Mike Monroney
innovative aviation systems and concepts; development
Aeronautical Center in Oklahoma City, OK, provides
of new air traffic control equipment and software; and
logistics, enterprise business services, software
modification of existing systems and procedures. The
design, training, course design, and acquisition
Technical Center also verifies and validates air traffic
services. The Aeronautical Center also trains the
control, communications, navigation, airports, aircraft
air traffic control workforce and the technician
safety, and security systems.
workforce, as well as provides technological training,
national partnerships, logistics support, simulation,
Go to for more details about
and medical research—all to move the NextGen
our organization.
transformation forward.
The Budget Control Act of 2011 established enforcement
technicians, and inspectors were included in the furlough. Flight
delays began occurring almost immediately.
mechanisms to reduce federal budget deficits by at least $2.1 trillion
over 10 years. The act mandated automatic spending cuts for most
Congress responded to the crisis by enacting special legislation,
federal government departments and agencies, if the Congress
the Reducing Flight Delays Act of 2013, which granted the FAA the
failed to enact balanced deficit reduction legislation. These budget
flexibility to transfer up to $253 million from the Grants-in-Aid for
reductions, known as sequestration, began on March 1, 2013, and
Airports program (which had been exempt from sequestration) to
are slated to last 10 years.
the Operations and Facilities & Equipment accounts. This funding
While exempting most mandatory programs such as Social Security,
transfer enabled the FAA to immediately stop employee furloughs
Medicaid, federal pensions, and veterans benefits from cuts, the
and a proposal to close low-traffic towers. But other cutbacks have
2013 sequester reduced most discretionary budget accounts by
remained in place.
approximately five percent, or $85 billion for the government as
The special legislation only addressed the funding shortfall in
a whole. Sequestration reduced the FAA’s FY 2013 budget by
FY 2013. The FY 2014 continuing resolution that funds government
$637 million.
operations through
With sequestration looming, the FAA implemented cost-saving
January 15, 2014, includes
strategies, including a partial hiring freeze and elimination of
additional funding to
employee bonus awards, early in the fiscal year. These were in
avoid FAA furloughs
addition to ongoing spending restrictions on items such as travel,
during this time period.
training, IT, conferences, office supplies, and contracts. When the
The final FY 2014 funding
sequestration became effective on March 1, the FAA initiated severe
level, however, remains
hiring restrictions.
uncertain. And for as long
as the sequestration law
Given the large percentage of the operations budget devoted to
remains in effect, the FAA
payroll, however, the FAA was also forced to implement across-
will continue to face the
the-board employee furloughs, or unpaid time off. Controllers,
prospect of reductions to
aviation services.
Federal Aviation Administration
Fiscal Year 2013
Performance and Accountability Report


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