Performance And Accountability Report - Fiscal Year 2013 - Federal Aviation Administration - U.s. Department Of Transportation Page 139


VII. Ensuring Management Accountability
The FAA’s goals and requirements of IPERA were communicated to personnel at all levels of the organization that are held responsible
and accountable for reducing and recovering improper payments.
The FAA has an existing control process with the OMB Circular A-123, Management’s Responsibility for Internal Control, Appendix
A, which requires the FAA to review internal control over financial reporting and systems. This review includes determining if the
systems are well documented, sufficiently tested, and properly assessed. The scope of these reviews includes reviewing and testing
the key internal controls surrounding the payment disbursements for grant and contractual payments.
The FAA uses a vast network of regional offices to ensure that the FAA maintains regular communication with grantees as well as
state and local officials. The FAA ensures that grantees understand the purpose of grant reviews during each step of the review
process. This constant communication, along with the aid of grantee staff, has allowed the FAA to not only maintain a low rate of
improper payments, but also achieve success in recapturing payments identified as both improper and recoverable.
VIII. Agency Information Systems and Other Infrastructure
The FAA currently possesses the internal controls, human capital, and information systems necessary to maintain improper payments
levels at the targeted programmatic rates.
IX. Statutory or Regulatory Barriers
X. Overall Agency Efforts
The FAA is implementing lessons learned from the past five years of testing AIP improper payments. For example, we continue to
communicate and train grantees on areas of improvement to prevent improper payments. These efforts have resulted in a lower
improper payment percentage rate and dollar amount for the current year. The FAA will continue to put into place preventive measures
on an ongoing basis.
Federal Aviation Administration
Fiscal Year 2013
Performance and Accountability Report


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