Performance And Accountability Report - Fiscal Year 2013 - Federal Aviation Administration - U.s. Department Of Transportation Page 13


Orville Wright made the first sustained, powered flight on
end of World War II, little had been done to mitigate the risk of
December 17, 1903, in a plane that he and his brother Wilbur
midair collisions.
built. This 12-second flight led to the development of the first
Accidents like these spurred passage of the Federal Aviation
practical airplane in 1905. The early twentieth century witnessed
Act of 1958, which transferred Civil Aeronautics Administration
countless aviation developments as new planes and technologies
functions to a new independent body, the Federal Aviation
entered service. During World War I, the airplane also proved
Agency. On April 1, 1967, the Federal Aviation Agency became
its effectiveness as a military tool and, with the advent of
one of several organizations within the U.S. Department of
early airmail service, showed great promise for commercial
Transportation (DOT) and was named the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA).
The first lighted airway was a 72-mile strip between Dayton
Today, the FAA’s air traffic control system is one piece of
and Columbus, OH, constructed by the Army in 1921, using
the national airspace system which consists of a complex
rotating beacons, field floodlights, and flashing markers. As air
network of systems and aircraft, combined with the people
travel increased, some airport operators, hoping to improve
who certify, operate, and maintain them. The network includes
safety, began providing an early form of air traffic control. Early
more than
air traffic control facilities,
controllers stood on the field and waved flags to communicate
and approximately
other facilities, including radar,
with pilots. Development of radio navigation in the 1920s was
communications nodes, ground-based navigation aids, computer
conducted by the Post Office Department, the Navy, the Army,
displays, and radios, that operate unceasingly to provide safe
and the Bureau of Standards, using radio transmitters on the
and efficient flight services for users.
Over 46,000
FAA personnel
ground and aircraft receivers with directional antennas on board.
and approximately
pilots operate more than
Based on ideas from the Bureau of Standards, the Army, and
aircraft within the national airspace system. American air traffic
other sources, a radio system was developed during the course
controllers can be responsible for up to 2,850 flights at any given
of the 1920s that would guide an aircraft along a chosen course
moment, half of the world’s air traffic.
and require only simple airborne equipment. With the placement
of radio beacons along the airways, air commerce in the United
The system operates non-stop, 24 hours a day, every day of the
States grew, even during the Great Depression of the 1930s.
year, providing safe air transportation for millions of passengers.
Under agreement with the International Civil Aviation
On June 30, 1956, a Trans World Airlines Super Constellation
Organization (ICAO), a specialized United Nations agency
and a United Air Lines DC-7 collided in Arizona, over the Grand
dedicated to air transportation and navigation, the national air
Canyon, killing all 128 people on board the two airplanes. The
space system not only spans the country, but extends across
collision occurred while the aircraft were flying under visual flight
the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic oceans. It also interfaces with
rules in uncongested airspace. The accident dramatized the fact
neighboring countries’ air traffic control systems for international
that, even though U.S. air traffic had more than doubled since the
Passengers boarding a plane on a rainy day at the municipal airport in
An airlines hostess. Municipal airport, Washington, D.C. From the Farm
Washington, D.C. From the Farm Security Administration—Office of War
Security Administration—Office of War Information Photograph Collection,
Information Photograph Collection, Library of Congress.
Library of Congress.
Federal Aviation Administration
Fiscal Year 2013
Performance and Accountability Report


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