Performance And Accountability Report - Fiscal Year 2013 - Federal Aviation Administration - U.s. Department Of Transportation Page 129


is conducting an Options Analysis to inform FAA leadership on
NextGen increments are currently being linked to their respective
possible NY facility solutions.
programs/systems. On September 30, 2013, the FAA completed
linking for the Separation Management Portfolio: Advanced
FAA’s Section 804 Collaborative Workgroup: The FAA’s workgroup
Technologies and Oceanic Procedures and Data Comm.
finalized the process for evaluating facility realignments.
FAA leadership planned to brief Congress on the workgroup’s
Quarterly Portfolio Management Reviews (PfMRs) for each NSIP
progress and activities in the spring of 2013. However, due to
Portfolio were conducted starting the first month after the end of
sequestration, FAA leadership has not yet briefed Congress
the fiscal quarter: in January 2013 (1st QTR FY 2013); April 2013
on the process for facility realignments. Additionally, the
(2nd QTR FY 2013); and July 2013 (3rd QTR FY 2013). Milestone
workgroup activities are aligned with ATC facilities sustainment,
dates, key activities, accomplishments and challenges such as
replacement, and modernization efforts, as well as the Terminal
sequestration impacts were discussed and statused. Mitigation
Automation Modernization and Replacement program schedule.
strategies were identified/ implemented.
Completing an Integrated Master Schedule for NextGen
Achieving Expected Outcomes from Reorganization to Improve
Transformational Programs
NextGen Management
The FAA has not yet developed an Integrated Master Schedule
Many of FAA’s difficulties with implementing NextGen stem
for implementing NextGen transformational programs, or
from underlying management challenges, such as assigning
established total program costs, schedules or performance
responsibility, accountability, and authority. In 2011, FAA
baselines. Decision makers in Congress and the Department
commissioned an internal study to examine how the Agency’s
lack sufficient information to assess progress as requirements
internal structure, processes, and management culture
evolve. Without a master schedule the FAA will continue to be
could be improved to support NextGen. Based on the study’s
challenged to assess progress with NextGen efforts, establish
recommendations, FAA announced a major reorganization in
priorities, and make necessary trade-offs between programs.
2011 to better position NextGen for success. FAA elevated the
former NextGen office—creating an Assistant Administrator for
NextGen who reports directly to the FAA Deputy Administrator—
The FAA’s NextGen Management Board ratified the final version
and established a new Program Management Office. This
of the National Airspace System Segment Implementation Plan
new office will also work to bridge the gap between strategic
(NSIP), Version 5, on December 3, 2012. The updated version of
requirements and program implementation. FAA is still in the
NextGen Implementation Plan was published on June 13, 2013.
early stages of this reorganization, and work remains to establish
best practices and institutionalize changes.
During 2013, the NSIP was virtualized and integrated into the
national airspace system enterprise architecture enabling a
more efficient three phase update process that includes: Service
Program Management Office (PMO) Charter and Strategic Plan:
Roadmap revalidation; Infrastructure Roadmap revalidation; and
Both a charter and a strategic plan were developed in 2013. The
Portfolio Revalidation. With the completion of the service and
charter defines the PMO’s mission, responsibilities, supplemental
infrastructure roadmap reviews, the initial draft of NSIP 2014
relationships, and lines of succession within the PMO. The
(formerly NSIP 6.0) was completed on September 30, 2013. The
charter complements the PMO strategic plan which encompasses
NSIP Portfolio Revalidation began on August 8, and resolution
four focus areas: organizational alignment and leadership,
and adjudication of comments started on September 9, 2013.
policies and processes, human capital, and information
management and stewardship.
The FAA continues to align the Integrated Master Schedule with
the NSIP. High level Segment Bravo schedules are currently being
Define Workplan for Future NSIP: NSIP workplans are now
being integrated into the national airspace system enterprise
architecture framework. In doing so, the NSIP was virtualized,
Federal Aviation Administration
Fiscal Year 2013
Performance and Accountability Report


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