Instructions For Preparation Of Transfer Agent Registration And Amendment Form Ta-1 - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation - 2016 Page 5


wants official mail sent. A post office box is acceptable.
known as a “private label” transfer agent. Refer to the
The full nine-digit Zip Code (12345-6789) is preferred.
definition of a transfer agent in Item A.7 on page 1for
examples of transfer agent functions.
Item 7
Any private label transfer agent(s) used by the Regis-
trant are to be listed in this item. Enter the name of the
Provide a telephone number for the appropriate indi-
private label servicer and its ARA-assigned Registered
vidual or department at the Registrant to whom ques-
Transfer Agent Number.
tions may be addressed.
Do not list any EDP servicers (such as SEI or Sun-
Gard), even if they maintain records for transfer agent
Item 8
Indicate the principal transfer agent location of the
Registrant where transfer agent processing takes place,
If additional space is needed to answer this question,
if different from Item 5. A post office box is not accept-
photocopy the appropriate page of a blank Form
able. The full nine-digit Zip Code (12345-6789) is pre-
TA-1, and continue such answers thereon.
ferred. Do not enter the address of any servicer
Item 12
If the Registrant performs any “private label” transfer
Item 9
agent servicing for another Registered Transfer Agent
List any other locations of the Registrant where trans-
(the “Named” Transfer Agent), enter the name of the
fer agent processing activities take place, if different
other Registered Transfer Agent and its ARA-assigned
from Items 5 and 8. A post office box number is not
Transfer Agent Number. For an explanation of the
acceptable. Do not enter the address of any servicer
term “private label,” refer to Item 11.
If additional space is needed to answer this question,
photocopy the appropriate page of a blank Form
Item 10
TA-1, and continue such answers thereon.
The answer to this question should reflect all securities
transferred by the Registrant organization, in all Divi-
Items 13 through 16
sions and/or locations of the Registrant, including any
The name of the individual signing Form TA-1 shall be
Trust Department. If a Registrant transfers any securi-
stated in full (i.e., first name, middle name, and last
ties other than its own or those of an affiliate, the ques-
name). Initials are not acceptable, unless they are part
tion should be answered “No.”
of the individual's legal name.
If the Registrant transfers any mutual funds, including
Execution of Form TA-1 and Amendments Thereto.
“proprietary” mutual funds affiliated with a bank or its
Any officer or director of the Registrant may execute
parent company, Item 10 is to be answered “No.”
Form TA-1 and any amendments thereto at Item 15 on
behalf of the Registrant.
For purposes of this form, a transfer agent is an “affili-
ate” of, or “affiliated” with, a person if the transfer
agent, directly or indirectly through one or more inter-
Part III. Notice
mediaries, controls or is controlled by, or is under com-
mon control with, that person.
Under Sections 17(a)(3), 17A(c), and 23(a) of the Act
and the rules and regulations thereunder, the ARA’s
Item 11
are authorized to solicit from applicants for registra-
If the Registrant contracts with an outside service
tion as a transfer agent and from registered transfer
company to perform the functions of a transfer agent
agents the information required to be supplied by
in the Registrant's name, the outside service company
Form TA-1. Disclosure to the ARA of the information
must also be a Registered Transfer Agent. In this
requested in Form TA-1 is a prerequisite to the pro-
arrangement, the outside service company is often
cessing of Form TA-1.
Form TA-1
December 2016


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