Instructions For Preparation Of Transfer Agent Registration And Amendment Form Ta-1 - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation - 2016 Page 3


(as such term is defined by the Commis-
trust company or other entity that is a bank
sion), and
within the meaning of the Act that is not
required to register with the OCC or FDIC and
2. in the case of an issuer that is a bank, a savings
that is a subsidiary of a bank holding com-
and loan holding company (as defined in sec-
pany, registers with the Board of Governors of
tion 10 of the Home Owners’ Loan Act), or a
the Federal Reserve System by submitting a
bank holding company, as such term is defined
Portable Document Format (“PDF”) version
in section 2 of the Bank Holding Company Act
of the form and attachments to the designated
of 1956 (12 U.S.C. 1841), has total assets
email address
exceeding $10,000,000 and a class of equity
security (other than an exempted security) held
Note: All other non-bank subsidiaries of a bank
of record by 2,000 or more persons.
holding company, other than those cited above,
In addition, qualifying securities include equity
register with the Securities and Exchange Com-
securities of registered investment companies and
mission. See below.
certain insurance companies that would be
3. A state-chartered bank (other than a bank
required to be registered under Section 12(g)
which is a member of the Federal Reserve
except for the exemptions provided by subsections
System), or a subsidiary thereof, or a state sav-
(g)(2)(B) (investment companies) and (g)(2)(G)
ings association, or a subsidiary thereof, which
(insurance companies), respectively, of Section 12,
is insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance
i.e., when the asset and shareholder criteria of
Corporation, registers with the Federal Deposit
Section 12(g)(1)(A) are met.
Insurance Corporation by either mailing or
C. When to File. Before a transfer agent may perform
submitting an electronic copy of the form
any transfer agent function for a qualifying secu-
(available at ) and attachments to
rity, it must register on Form TA-1 with its current
the secure email address MSG-GSD-Registration@-
ARA. Instructions for amending Form TA-1 Report the form and attachments in
appear at General Instruction G, on page 3.
Portable Document Format (“PDF”). The
form may be mailed to the following address:
D. How and Where to File. Each registrant must file
Form TA-1 with its own current ARA. The FBRs
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
will send copies of the submitted filings to the SEC
Division of Supervision and Consumer
on behalf of their registrants.
Policy and Program Development Section
A registrant may determine the name and address
ATTN: Registered Transfer Agents
of its ARA from the following:
550- 17th Street, NW
1. A national bank, Federal savings bank, or a
Washington, DC 20429
bank operating under the Code of Law for the
For information contact the FDIC’s Division
District of Columbia, or a subsidiary of any
of Risk Management Supervision, Policy and
such bank, registers with the Comptroller of the
Program Development Section, Registered
Currency at:
Transfer Agents, at telephone number (678)
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Asset Management Division
4. All other transfer agents register with the Secu-
Washington, DC 20219
rities and Exchange Commission, using the
For Information: Telephone (202) 649–6360
SEC's electronic version of Form TA-1, located
2. A state-chartered bank which is a member of
the Federal Reserve System, a subsidiary
thereof, a bank holding company, a savings and
Registrants file electronically in EDGAR. Reg-
loan holding company, or a state-chartered
istrants should refer to the EDGAR Filer
Form TA-1
December 2016


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