Instructions For Preparation Of Transfer Agent Registration And Amendment Form Ta-1 - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation - 2016 Page 2


Form TA-1
Instructions for Use
5. “Registrant” refers to the entity on whose
behalf Form TA-1 is filed.
General: Form TA-1 is to be used to register or amend
6. “SEC” refers to the Securities and Exchange
registration as a transfer agent with the Comptroller of
the Currency, the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System, or the Federal Deposit Insurance Cor-
7. “Transfer agent” is defined in Section 3(a)(25)
poration pursuant to Section 17A of the Securities
of the Act as any person who engages on behalf
Exchange Act of 1934.
of an issuer of securities, or on behalf of itself
Attention: Certain statutes applicable to transfer agents
as an issuer, in at least one of the functions
are referenced or summarized below. Transfer agents
enumerated therein.
are urged to review all applicable provisions of the Fed-
8. Examples of transfer agent functions include
eral securities laws.
maintaining records of securityholders, main-
Note: Detailed guidance for each item on Form TA-1
taining records of securities and securities cer-
appears under Part II—Special Instructions for Com-
tificates issued, transferring ownership of secu-
pleting Form TA-1.
rities, countersigning securities upon issue,
monitoring an issue of securities to preclude
over- or under-issuance, and the exchanging or
Part I. General Instructions for Filing
converting of securities. “Book-issue” securi-
ties (those where no securities certificates are
and Amending Form TA-1
issued) are also included.
A. Terms and Abbreviations. The following terms and
B. Who Must File. Under Section 17A(c)(1) of the
abbreviations are used throughout these
Act, it is unlawful for any transfer agent to perform
any transfer agent function with respect to any
1. “Act” refers to the Securities Exchange Act of
qualifying security unless that transfer agent is reg-
istered with its ARA.
2. “ARA” refers to the appropriate regulatory
A “qualifying security” is any security registered
agency, as defined in Section 3(a)(34)(B) of the
under Section 12 of the Act. Thus, qualifying secu-
Act. See General Instruction D on page 3.
rities include securities registered on a national
securities exchange pursuant to Section 12(b) of
3. “Federal Bank Regulators” or “FBRs” refers
the Act, as well as equity securities registered pur-
to the Office of the Comptroller of the Cur-
suant to Section 12(g)(1) of the Act for issuers that
rency (“OCC”), the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System (“FRB”), and the Fed-
eral Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”).
1. total assets exceeding $10,000,000 and a class
4. “Form TA-1” includes the Form and any
of equity security (other than an exempted
attachments, whether filed as a registration or
security) held of record by either 2,000 persons,
an amendment.
or 500 persons who are not accredited investors
Form TA-1
December 2016


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