Instructions For Form It-399 - New York State Depreciation Schedule - 2000


IT-399 (2000) (back)
your joint federal return. Attach a
Column F — Enter your New York
Use this form to figure your New York
schedule to each return showing each
depreciation deduction in column F,
adjustments for New York depreciation
spouse’s separate amounts, as if
based on the method you elected in
and federal ACRS depreciation.
separate federal returns were filed, and
column D.
If you have an interest in a passive
explain any differences.
Column G — Enter the ACRS
activity, the modifications required
deduction you took on your federal
Specific instructions
under sections 612(b)(25) and (c)(26)
of the Tax Law for ACRS depreciation
Enter your name and your social
and New York depreciation must be
security number or employer
Part II — Year-of-disposition
made for the full amounts allowable as
identification number in the spaces
a federal depreciation deduction
provided on the front of this form.
(100%), even though the activity may
If you dispose of property (except for
Check the box that indicates which
be subject to federal loss deduction
section 280F property) that you placed
New York State income tax return you
limitations. It is only under Internal
in service inside or outside New York
are filing and attach this form to that
Revenue Code (IRC) section 469
State after December 31, 1980, but
(Passive Activity Losses and Credits
before January 1, 1985, or property
If you use a delivery service other than
Limited) that there is a limitation on
placed in service outside New York
the U.S. Postal Service, see Private
passive loss deductions.
State after December 31, 1984, but
delivery services in the instructions for
before January 1, 1994, you must
In the case of a partnership using
the return you are filing.
adjust your New York State income by
ACRS to determine depreciation, the
the difference between the total New
Part I — Depreciation
individual partners will make the
York depreciation deduction and the
adjustments to income on their personal
Depreciation is an amount you can
total federal ACRS deduction claimed
income tax returns. The adjustments for
deduct each year for assets you buy to
on that property. If you elected to switch
partners will be their distributive share
use in your business or hold to produce
to IRC section 168 depreciation for
of New York depreciation and federal
income. (Land is never depreciable.)
property placed in service outside New
ACRS depreciation determined by the
Depreciation starts when you place the
York State in taxable years beginning
partnership as of the end of the
property in service and ends when you
after December 31, 1984, but before
partnership year ending within the
take the property out of service or it
January 1, 1994, in the year-of-
partner’s taxable year. Form IT-399 will
reaches the end of its useful life. (See
disposition, the adjustment should take
be completed only by the partnership,
Part II for the deduction to be taken in
into account only those years prior to
and not by each individual partner. This
the year you dispose of the property.)
switching to IRC section 168.
treatment will be the same for a
Column C — Enter the depreciable
beneficiary of an estate or trust that is
Column C — Enter the method used to
basis of the assets you place in service
on a fiscal-year basis.
dispose of the property. Disposition
in the same year. Depreciable basis is
includes but is not limited to sale,
If you are a shareholder of an electing
the cost or other basis reduced by any
exchange, transfer and obsolescence.
New York State S corporation, your
salvage value, the part of the basis you
proportionate share of the S
Column D — Enter the total New York
elected to amortize or expense under
corporation’s depreciation deduction will
depreciation you claimed on the
section 179 of the IRC and any federal
be provided to you by the S corporation.
property you disposed of. (If the
investment credit subtracted in figuring
property was placed in service during
the federal unadjusted basis of the
If you are a nonresident or part-year
1981, do not include the amount of
resident, you must complete
ACRS depreciation claimed for the
Form IT-399 as if you were a New York
Column D — Enter the depreciation
property on your 1981 New York State
State resident for the entire year.
method you elect. You must use a
Transfer the amounts from Part I and
method that is allowed under
Part II to Form IT-203, Nonresident and
Column E — Enter the total federal
section 167 of the IRC, as it was in
Part-Year Resident Income Tax Return .
ACRS deduction you claimed on your
effect on December 31, 1980.
For more information on the addition
federal return for the property you
Column E — Enter the useful life of the
and subtraction modifications for ACRS
disposed of. (If the property was placed
property. You cannot use the ACRS
and New York State depreciation, see
in service during 1981, do not include
recovery period in figuring your
the instructions for Form IT-203.
the amount of ACRS depreciation
New York State depreciation. You must
claimed for the property on your 1981
If you are married and file a joint federal
use the useful life or rate provided for in
federal return.)
return but are required to file separate
section 167 of the IRC. In some cases
New York returns, complete only one
the useful life under section 167 may be
Form IT-399 showing the amounts from
the same as the recovery period.


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