Montana Schedule K-1 (Clt-4s And Pr-1) Draft - Partner'S/shareholder'S Share Of Income (Loss), Deductions, Credits, Etc. Page 2


Partner’s/Shareholder’s Instructions for Montana Schedule K-1 (Forms CLT-4S and PR-1)
General Instructions
Part 4 – Nonresident Partner/Shareholder Only—Montana Source
Income (Loss)
The Montana Schedule K-1 is required to be provided to all partners
If you are a nonresident individual, estate, trust, or pass-through entity,
or shareholders. Parts 1 and 2 are completed for all partners or
your share of the entity’s Montana source income, gains, losses and
shareholders. Parts 3, 5 and 6 are completed for all partners or
other additions to income are shown. Transfer these amounts to the
shareholders only if there is applicable information. Part 4 applies to
appropriate Montana tax return.
nonresident partners or shareholders only.
4. Guaranteed payments. The guaranteed payments remain with the
Purpose of Montana Schedule K-1
partner receiving the payments as refl ected on the federal Schedule K-1.
Montana Schedule K-1 shows information about your share of income,
Part 5 – Supplemental Information
gains, losses, deductions, credits and other items from an S corporation,
a partnership, or a limited liability company (LLC) that is treated as an
Supplemental information which could result in adjustments to the
S corporation or partnership for income tax purposes. If applicable,
Montana tax return is listed. Transfer the information to the appropriate
your share of “Montana source income” is listed. You may need this
Montana tax return.
information to complete the appropriate Montana tax return.
1. Montana composite income tax paid on behalf of partner/
Partnership or corporation partner/shareholder. If you are a
shareholder. If applicable, the amount shown on this line is the amount
corporation, partnership, or a limited liability company treated like a
of Montana composite income tax paid on your behalf by the entity. If
corporation or partnership, the Montana Schedule K-1 shows your share
you made this election, you are not required to fi le your own Montana
of the entity’s Montana statutory adjustments or tax credits that may
tax return. This is for your information only.
affect the preparation of your Montana tax return.
2. Montana income tax withheld on behalf of partner/shareholder.
Resident individual, estate, or trust partner/shareholder. If you are
The entity was required to withhold Montana income tax for those
a Montana resident individual, estate, or trust, you report to Montana
nonresident partners/shareholders who did not fi le a consent agreement
your entire share of the entity’s income, gains, losses, and deductions
or statement (Form PT-AGR) and did not elect to have the entity
included in your federal taxable income. The Montana Schedule K-1
pay composite income tax. Transfer the amount from this line to the
shows your share of the entity’s Montana statutory adjustments or tax
appropriate Montana tax return.
credits that may affect the preparation of your Montana tax return.
3. Premiums for Insure Montana Small Business Health Insurance
Nonresident individual, estate, or trust partner/shareholder. If you
credit. If the entity received a tax credit from the Insure Montana Small
are a nonresident individual, estate, or trust, the amount of your share of
Business Health Insurance program, the amount entered is the portion
the entity’s income, gains, losses, and deductions that are apportioned
of the premiums paid for these policies which is not allowed as a
and allocated to Montana based on the entity’s activity in Montana is
used to determine your Montana tax liability. These items are shown
4. Montana mineral royalty tax withheld. If mineral rights are held by
in Part 4 of the Montana Schedule K-1. Unless you are a nonresident
a partnership or S corporation in which you have an ownership interest,
individual who elected to participate in a composite return fi led on your
the royalty payments made to the owners are subject to withholding if
behalf by the entity, you need to fi le a Montana tax return to determine
certain thresholds are met. If the partnership or S corporation attributed
your tax liability for these items.
the withheld mineral royalty tax to the partner or shareholder, the amount
Composite return election. If you are a nonresident individual, a
attributed is listed. This withholding should not be confused with the
foreign C corporation, or a pass-through entity who elected to participate
amounts deducted from royalty payments for production taxes. Transfer
in a composite return fi led on your behalf by the entity, you are not
the amount on this line to the appropriate Montana tax return.
required to fi le a Montana tax return. If this applies to you, you received
Part 6 – Montana Tax Credits and Recapture (If Applicable)
the Montana Schedule K-1 to show your share of these items and the
Any credit claimed by a partnership or S corporation has to be
composite tax paid on your behalf.
attributable to its partners/shareholders generally using the same
Amended Schedule K-1 (Forms CLT-4S and PR-1). If you received an
proportion that is used to report that entity’s income or loss for Montana
amended Montana Schedule K-1 from the entity, and you previously fi led
income tax purposes. The tax credits cannot be taken as a credit against
a Montana tax return, you need to fi le an amended Montana tax return to
composite tax. We have listed the most common tax credits along with
report the changes in income, gains, losses and deductions.
space to provide information about any other tax credit or recapture
Montana Schedule K-1, Parts 3-6
amount. Include the amount from this schedule on the applicable credit
form and report on the appropriate Montana tax return.
Part 3 – All Partners/Shareholders – Montana Adjustments
Some tax credits have provisions requiring a recapture of the tax
A-B. Montana Additions or Deductions
benefi t you received in an earlier tax year (if you do not meet certain
To compute Montana income taxable to pass-through entity owners,
requirements in subsequent tax years). If you are required to report a
certain items have to be added to income or deducted from income. A
recapture, include the amount from this schedule on the appropriate
detailed schedule is required to be included. The form shows a partial
Montana tax return.
list. Any amounts listed are the partner’s or shareholder’s share of
Montana additions and deductions from the corresponding lines on
Schedules A and B. Transfer the amount(s) shown to the appropriate
Montana tax return.


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