Publication 54 - Tax Guide For U.s. Citizens And U.s. Citizens Abroad - 2001 Page 41


To correct a mistake of this sort you
If you reside in a country that has
the principal home for the whole
alien spouse as a U.S. resident and
an income tax treaty with the
file a joint income tax return. Once
should prepare Form 1040X. In-
year for your mother or father for
United States, that country may al-
you make the choice, however, you
clude the omitted interest income,
whom you can claim an exemption
low a credit against the tax you owe
must report the worldwide income
(your parent does not have to have
refigure the tax, and send the form
them for the U.S. tax paid on U.S.
of both yourself and your spouse.
lived with you), or
as soon as possible along with any
source income. Nontreaty coun-
additional tax due to the Internal
b) You paid more than half the
Penalties and Interest
tries, depending on their laws, may
Revenue Service Center where
cost of keeping up the home in
give the same type of credit against
you filed your return. Form 1040X
which you lived and in which one of
the tax you owe them for the U.S.
1) Does the June 15 extended
the following also lived for more
can be used to correct an individual
due date for filing my return be-
tax paid on U.S. source income.
than half the year:
Form 1040 income tax return filed
cause both my tax home and my
If double taxation exists and
for any year for which the period of
abode are outside the United
Your unmarried child,
you cannot resolve the problem
limitation has not expired (usually 3
States and Puerto Rico on the
grandchild, stepchild, foster
with the tax authorities of the for-
years after the due date of the re-
regular due date relieve me from
child, or adopted child. A fos-
eign country, you can contact the
turn filed, or 2 years after the tax
having to pay interest on tax not
ter child will qualify you for
Internal Revenue Service, Interna-
was paid, whichever is later).
paid by April 15?
this status only if you can
tional Section, P.O. Box 920, Ben-
claim an exemption for the
salem, PA 19020-8518.
6) I am a U.S. citizen and, be-
No. An extension, whether an auto-
cause I expect to qualify for the
matic extension or one requested
10) My total income after claim-
foreign earned income exclu-
Your married child,
in writing, does not relieve you of
ing the foreign earned income
sion, all my foreign income
grandchild, stepchild, or
the payment of interest on the tax
and housing exclusions con-
(which consists solely of salary)
adopted child for whom you
due as of April 15 following the year
sists of $5,000 taxable wages.
will be exempt from U.S. tax. Do I
can claim an exemption, or
for which the return is filed. The
Am I entitled to claim the refund-
get any tax benefit from income
for whom you could claim an
able earned income credit?
interest should be included in your
tax I paid on this salary to a for-
exemption except that you
eign country during the tax
signed a statement allowing
No. If you claim the foreign earned
the noncustodial parent to
2) If I wait to file my return until I
income exclusion, the foreign
qualify for the foreign earned in-
claim the exemption, or the
housing exclusion, or the foreign
No. You cannot take either a tax
come exclusion, I will be
noncustodial parent provides
housing deduction, you cannot
credit or a tax deduction for foreign
charged interest on the U.S. tax I
at least $600 support and
claim the earned income credit.
income taxes paid on income that
will owe. To avoid being charged
claims the exemption under a
is exempt from U.S. tax because of
interest, can I file my return on
11) Last May my employer trans-
pre-1985 agreement.
time, reporting only my taxable
the foreign earned income exclu-
ferred me to our office in Puerto
Any relative listed below for
income, excluding my salary for
Rico. I understand that my salary
whom you can claim an ex-
services abroad that will be ex-
earned in Puerto Rico is tax ex-
empt after I have met the qualifi-
7) I am a U.S. citizen stationed
empt. Is this correct?
abroad. I made a personal loan
to a nonresident alien who later
As long as your employer is not the
No. If you file a return before you
went bankrupt. Can I claim a bad
U.S. Government, all income from
qualify for the exclusion, you must
debt loss for this money?
sources within Puerto Rico is ex-
report all income, including all in-
empt from U.S. tax if you are a
come for services performed
Yes. The loss should be reported
bona fide resident of Puerto Rico
Daughter-in-law, or
abroad, and pay tax on all of it.
as a short-term capital loss on
during the entire tax year. The in-
If related by blood:
After you meet the qualifications,
Schedule D (Form 1040). You have
come you received from Puerto Ri-
— Uncle
you can file a claim for refund by
the burden of proving the validity of
— Aunt
can sources the year you moved to
— Nephew
excluding the income earned
the loan, the subsequent bank-
Puerto Rico is not exempt. The tax
— Niece
abroad. If you defer the filing of
ruptcy, and the recovery or
paid to Puerto Rico in the year you
your return, you can avoid interest
nonrecovery from the loan.
moved to Puerto Rico can be
If your spouse was a nonresident
on tax due on your return to be filed
claimed as a foreign tax credit on
alien at any time during the year
by paying the tax you estimate you
8) With which countries does the
Form 1116.
and you do not choose to treat your
will owe with your request for an
United States have tax treaties?
nonresident spouse as a resident
extension of time to file on Form
12) I am a U.S. citizen married to
alien, then you are treated as un-
2350, or by paying enough esti-
a nonresident alien. I believe I
Table 6 – 1 lists those countries
married for head of household pur-
mated tax to cover any tax that you
qualify to use the head of house-
with which the United States has
poses. You must have another
expect will be due on the return.
hold tax rates. Can I use the head
income tax treaties.
qualifying relative and meet the
of household tax rates?
other tests to be eligible to file as
9) I am a retired U.S. citizen living
head of household. You can use
Yes. Although your nonresident
in Europe. My only income is
the head of household column in
alien spouse cannot qualify you as
from U.S. sources on which I pay
the Tax Table or the head of house-
a head of household, you can qual-
U.S. taxes. I am taxed on the
hold Tax Rate Schedule.
ify if (a) or (b) applies:
same income in the foreign
a) You paid more than half the
It may be advantageous to
country where I reside. How do I
avoid double taxation?
cost of keeping up a home that was
choose to treat your nonresident
Chapter 7 How To Get Tax Help
Page 41


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