Publication 54 - Tax Guide For U.s. Citizens And U.s. Citizens Abroad - 2001 Page 40


Social Security Tax
3) I am a U.S. citizen residing
4) What types of foreign taxes
ment and my wife does the cook-
overseas, and I receive dividend
are deductible?
and Self-Employment Tax
and interest income from U.S.
sources from which tax is being
Generally, real estate and foreign
Keep a day-to-day record of ex-
1) I am a minister with earned
withheld at a rate of 30%. How
income taxes are deductible as
penses, with receipts where possi-
income from abroad and expect
can I have this situation cor-
itemized deductions. Foreign in-
to qualify for the foreign earned
ble. Allocate meals by dividing the
come taxes are deductible only if
income exclusion. How do I pay
total expense by the number in
you do not claim the foreign tax
my self-employment tax?
your family and take your propor-
File Form W – 9 (indicating that you
credit. Foreign income taxes paid
tionate share. Generally, your de-
are a U.S. citizen) with the with-
on excluded income are not de-
File a Form 1040 with Schedule SE
duction for rent will be limited to the
holding agents who are paying you
ductible as an itemized deduction.
Form 2555. Figure your
amount you would have paid had
the dividends and interest. This is
self-employment tax on Schedule
Note. Foreign income taxes are
you been abroad alone.
their authority to stop withholding
SE and enter it on Form 1040 as
usually claimed under the credit
the 30% income tax at the source
the tax due with the return.
General Tax Questions
provisions, if they apply, because
on payments due you.
this is more advantageous in most
2) Because I expect to qualify for
1) Will the Internal Revenue Ser-
4) As a U.S. citizen receiving div-
the foreign earned income exclu-
vice representatives at the Em-
idend and interest income from
sion, I have requested and re-
5) I rented an apartment in the
bassies answer questions about
the United States from which tax
ceived an extension of time until
United Kingdom and had to pay
tax laws of our home state and
has been withheld, do I report
January 30, 2003, to file my 2001
a local tax called a “general
the laws of the foreign country
the net dividend and interest in-
rates” tax, which is based on oc-
return. However, since I will be
come on my return, or do I report
where we reside as well as U.S.
cupancy of the apartment. Can I
paying self-employment tax on
the gross amount and take credit
federal income tax laws?
deduct this tax as a foreign real
my spouse’s income, should I
for the tax withheld?
estate tax?
file a 2001 return when due, pay
No. The IRS representatives are
the self-employment tax, and
You must report the gross amount
authorized only to answer tax
No. This tax does not qualify as a
then file another return when I
of the income received and take a
questions on U.S. federal income
real estate tax since it is levied on
qualify for the exclusion?
tax credit for the tax withheld. This
tax. You should write your home
the occupant of the premises rather
is to your advantage since the tax
state’s tax office for state tax infor-
than on the owner of the property.
No. You do not need to file a 2001
withheld is deducted in full from the
mation and contact the tax officials
tax due. It is also advisable to at-
Form 1040 (the regular income tax
of the country where you reside for
Scholarship and
tach a statement to your return ex-
return) when due if you have re-
information regarding their taxes.
Fellowship Grantees
plaining this tax credit so there will
ceived an extension. To stop inter-
be no question as to the amount of
e s t f r o m a c c r u i n g o n t h e
2) Can Internal Revenue Service
1) I am a Fulbright grantee. What
credit allowable.
self-employment tax due for 2001,
personnel recommend tax prac-
documentation must I attach to
titioners who prepare returns?
you can pay enough estimated tax
my return?
to cover the self-employment tax
No. IRS employees are not permit-
and any income tax that would be
a) There are no special tax forms
1) Can I claim a foreign tax credit
ted to recommend tax practitioners
due after taking out the amount of
for Fulbright grantees. File on a
even though I do not itemize de-
who prepare income tax returns.
excludable income.
regular Form 1040.
b) If you claim exemption as a
3) I just filed my return. How long
Income Tax Withholding
Yes. You can claim the foreign tax
scholarship or fellowship grantee,
will it take to get my refund?
credit even though you do not item-
submit brochures and correspon-
1) How can I get my employer to
ize deductions.
dence describing the grant and
It may take up to 10 weeks to issue
stop withholding federal income
your duties.
a refund on a return that is properly
taxes from wages while I am
2) I had to pay customs duty on a
made out. A refund may take
overseas and eligible for the for-
c) If you are located in a foreign
few things I brought back with
longer than that if the return is filed
eign earned income exclusion?
country and wish to pay tax in for-
me from Europe last summer.
just before the filing deadline.
Can I include customs fees with
eign currency, you should submit a
File a statement in duplicate with
An error on the return will also
my other deductible taxes?
certified statement showing that
your employer stating that with-
you were a Fulbright grantee and at
delay the refund. Among the most
holding should be reduced be-
No. Customs duties, like federal
least 70% of the grant was paid in
common causes of delay in receiv-
cause you meet the bona fide
excise taxes, are not deductible.
nonconvertible foreign currency
ing refunds are unsigned returns
residence test or physical presence
(see Publication 520).
and incorrect social security num-
3) Some taxes paid in the United
test. See also the following ques-
States are not deductible if I
2) I taught and lectured abroad
itemize my deductions. Which
under taxable grants. What ex-
4) I have not received my refund
ones are they?
penses can I deduct?
2) Does the Internal Revenue
from last year’s return. Can I
Service provide forms to be
claim the credit against this
Sales taxes, as well as the state
You may be able to deduct your
used by employees requesting
year’s tax?
and local taxes levied specifically
travel, meals, and lodging ex-
employers to stop withholding
on cigarettes, tobacco, and alco-
penses if you are temporarily ab-
income tax from wages they ex-
No. That would cause problems to
holic beverages are not deductible.
sent from your regular place of
pect to be excluded as income
both years’ returns. If your last
In addition, no deduction can be
employment. For more information
earned abroad?
year’s refund is overdue, write to
taken for drivers’ licenses or gaso-
about deducting travel, meals, and
the Internal Revenue Service
line taxes. Auto registration fees
lodging expenses, get Publication
Yes. Form 673 is a sample state-
Center where you filed your return
cannot be deducted except when
ment that can be used by individu-
and ask about the status of the re-
they qualify as personal property
als who expect to qualify under the
fund. Be sure to include your social
3) I am a professor who is teach-
taxes. To qualify as personal prop-
bona fide residence test or the
security number (or individual tax-
ing abroad while on sabbatical
erty taxes they must be based on
physical presence test. A copy of
payer identification number) in the
leave from my position in the
the value of the auto.
this form is displayed in chapter 2.
United States. What records am I
You can get this form by writing to
Some state and local taxes are
required to keep to prove my ex-
the Internal Revenue Service, In-
deductible, such as those on per-
5) I forgot to include interest in-
penses? How do I allocate my
ternational Section, P.O. Box 920,
sonal property, real estate, and in-
come when I filed my return last
meals and lodging if my wife and
Bensalem, PA 19020-8518.
children live with me in an apart-
week. What should I do?
Page 40
Chapter 7 How To Get Tax Help


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