Publication 54 - Tax Guide For U.s. Citizens And U.s. Citizens Abroad - 2001 Page 4


Whether you have already requested an-
of your return and you file on a calendar year
change rate, use the one that most properly
other extension for time to file for this tax
basis, the due date for filing your return is June
reflects your income. You can generally get ex-
change rates from banks and U.S. Embassies.
If you have a QBU, translate the results,
You can sign the request for this extension, or it
What if tests are not met. If you obtain an
such as income or loss, into U.S. dollars on a
can be signed by your attorney, CPA, enrolled
extension and unforeseen events make it im-
monthly basis.
agent, or a person with a power of attorney. If
possible for you to satisfy either the bona fide
you are unable to sign the request because of
residence test or the physical presence test, you
illness or for another good reason, a person in
should file your income tax return as soon as
Blocked Income
close personal or business relationship to you
possible because you must pay interest on any
can sign the request.
tax due after the regular due date of the return
You generally must report your foreign income
(even though an extension was granted).
in terms of U.S. dollars and, with one exception
Extension granted. If IRS approves your
(see Fulbright grants, later), you must pay taxes
application for this extension, you will be noti-
You should make any request for an
due on it in U.S. dollars.
extension early, so that if it is denied
If an extension is granted and the IRS later
you still can file your return on time.
If, because of restrictions in a foreign coun-
determines that the statements made on your
Otherwise, if you file late and additional tax is
try, your income is not readily convertible into
request for this extension are false or misleading
due, you may be subject to a penalty.
U.S. dollars or into other money or property that
and an extension would not have been granted
is readily convertible into U.S. dollars, your in-
based on the true facts, the extension is null and
Return filed before test is met. If you file a
come is “blocked” or “deferrable” income. You
void. You may have to pay the failure-to-file
return before you meet the bona fide residence
can report this income in one of two ways:
penalty if you file after the regular due date.
test or the physical presence test, you must
include all income from both U.S. and foreign
1) Report the income and pay your federal
Extension not granted. If your application
sources and pay the tax on that income. If you
income tax with U.S. dollars that you have
for this extension is not approved, you must file
later qualify for the foreign earned income exclu-
in the United States or in some other coun-
your return by the extended due date of the
sion, the foreign housing exclusion, or the for-
try, or
automatic extension. You may be allowed to file
eign housing deduction under the bona fide
within 10 days of the date of the notice you get
2) Postpone the reporting of the income until
residence or physical presence rules, you can
from the IRS if the end of the 10-day period is
it becomes unblocked.
file a claim for refund of tax on Form 1040X. The
later than the due date. The notice will tell you if
refund will be the difference between the
If you choose to postpone the reporting of the
the 10-day grace period is granted.
amount of tax already paid and the tax liability as
income, you must file an information return with
figured after the exclusion or deduction.
your tax return. For this information return, you
Further extensions. You generally cannot
should use another Form 1040 labeled “Report
get an extension of more than 6 months. How-
Foreign Currency
of Deferrable Foreign Income, pursuant to Rev.
ever, if you are outside the United States and
Rul. 74 – 351.” You must declare on the informa-
meet certain tests, you may be able to get a
You must express the amounts you report on
tion return that you will include the deferrable
longer extension.
your U.S. tax return in U.S. dollars. If you receive
income in your taxable income for the year that it
You can get an extension of more than 6
all or part of your income or pay some or all of
becomes unblocked. You also must state that
months to file your tax return if you need the time
your expenses in foreign currency, you must
you waive any right to claim that the deferrable
to meet either the bona fide residence test or the
translate the foreign currency into U.S. dollars.
income was includible in your income for any
physical presence test to qualify for either the
How you do this depends on your functional
earlier year.
foreign earned income exclusion or the foreign
currency. Your functional currency generally
housing exclusion or deduction. The tests, the
You must report your income on your infor-
is the U.S. dollar unless you are required to use
exclusions, and the deduction are explained in
mation return using the foreign currency in
the currency of a foreign country.
chapter 4.
which you received that income. If you have
You must make all federal income tax deter-
You should request an extension if all three
blocked income from more than one foreign
minations in your functional currency. The U.S.
of the following apply.
country, include a separate information return
dollar is the functional currency for all taxpayers
for each country.
1) You are a U.S. citizen or resident.
except some qualified business units (QBUs). A
Income becomes unblocked and reportable
QBU is a separate and clearly identified unit of a
2) You expect to meet either the bona fide
for tax purposes when it becomes convertible, or
trade or business that maintains separate books
residence test or the physical presence
when it is converted, into dollars or into other
and records. Unless you are self-employed,
test, but not until after your tax return is
money or property that is convertible into U.S.
your functional currency is the U.S. dollar.
currency. Also, if you use blocked income for
Even if you are self-employed and have a
your personal expenses or dispose of it by gift,
3) Your tax home is in a foreign country (or
QBU, your functional currency is the dollar if any
bequest, or devise, you must treat it as un-
countries) throughout your period of bona
of the following apply.
blocked and reportable.
fide residence or physical presence,
You conduct the business in dollars.
If you have received blocked income on
whichever applies.
which you have not paid tax, you should check
The principal place of business is located
Generally, if you are granted an extension, it
to see whether that income is still blocked. If it is
in the United States.
will be to 30 days beyond the date on which you
not, you should take immediate steps to pay tax
can reasonably expect to qualify under either
You choose to or are required to use the
on it, file a declaration or amended declaration of
the bona fide residence test or the physical pres-
dollar as your functional currency.
estimated tax, and include the income on your
ence test. However, if you have moving ex-
tax return for the year in which the income be-
The business books and records are not
penses that are for services performed in 2
came unblocked.
kept in the currency of the economic envi-
years, you may be granted an extension to 90
If you choose to postpone reporting blocked
ronment in which a significant part of the
days beyond the close of the year following the
income and in a later tax year you wish to begin
business activities is conducted.
year of first arrival in the foreign country.
including it in gross income although it is still
blocked, you must obtain the permission of the
How to get an extension. To obtain an
Make all income tax determinations in your
IRS to do so. To apply for permission, file Form
extension, you should file Form 2350 with the
functional currency. If your functional currency is
3115, Application for Change in Accounting
Internal Revenue Service Center, Philadelphia,
the U.S. dollar, you must immediately translate
Method. You also must request permission from
PA 19255 – 0002, the local IRS representative,
into dollars all items of income, expense, etc.
the IRS on Form 3115 if you have not chosen to
or other IRS employee.
(including taxes), that you receive, pay, or ac-
defer the reporting of blocked income in the
You must file Form 2350 by the due date for
crue in a foreign currency and that will affect
past, but now wish to begin reporting blocked
filing your return. Generally, if both your tax
computation of your income tax. Use the ex-
income under the deferred method. See the
home and your abode are outside the United
change rate prevailing when you receive, pay, or
instructions for Form 3115 for information.
States and Puerto Rico on the regular due date
accrue the item. If there is more than one ex-
Page 4
Chapter 1 Filing Information


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